Mark's Build

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Well, this thread will be used to document my Silvio build; the trials and tribulations, the cussing and discussing.

First, the cussing. I ordered the WTB handlbar through my LBS. Yeah, I paid more, but I try to support the local guy at least some, you know? So, upon hearing the news of the frame's arrival, I called the shop to see if my handlebar (which I prepaid, BTW) had been ordered as promised. No, it has not because (I think) the owner of the LBS does not want to deal with this wholesaler. Instead, he ordered an Origin 8 bar that is "very similar". I looked at it on e-bay and that will probably do, but it's about half the price, so there better be some refunding action happening here. Lesson learned; if you want to support your local guy and he has what you want on the shelf, OK. If he has to order it, then you better just order it yourself. :roll:

Coming up this evening; pictures of the unpacking of the frame! I promise to not put up pictures similar to ones posted by others. I'll try to only post pictures that are unique in some way.



Well-Known Member
Mark B wrote: Lesson learned; if you want to support your local guy and he has what you want on the shelf, OK. If he has to order it, then you better just order it yourself. :roll:

Ummm, no. If you want to support the local guy, then you tell him what you want and ask if he can get it. If he says no, then fine, if he says yes, then I don't mind paying up front for it (I've done retail), but I darn sure better get what I asked for. I don't even mind him trying to sell me what is on the shelf over what I came in looking for. Otherwise, there is not much point supporting the local guy, is there? In the case of a LBS, even in this desert of bikedom, I have a couple of other choices, I just picked the one I did for convenience and the fact that they were friendly over the phone discussing the technical details of frame strength. I know he wants to sell what is on his shelf, but anything to improve the cash flow, even to the lowering of profit margin (within limits) is good business.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
If I had ordered the bar myself, then I would have had it. As it stands now, I'll be waiting for a bar. But, I'm easy. Put some $$$ back in my pocket and I'll try out a different bar. The one I saw was BIN $25 on e-bay.



Active Member
Kamatu wrote:
Mark B wrote: Lesson learned; if you want to support your local guy and he has what you want on the shelf, OK. If he has to order it, then you better just order it yourself. :roll:

Ummm, no. If you want to support the local guy, then you tell him what you want and ask if he can get it. If he says no, then fine, if he says yes, then I don't mind paying up front for it (I've done retail), but I darn sure better get what I asked for. I don't even mind him trying to sell me what is on the shelf over what I came in looking for. Otherwise, there is not much point supporting the local guy, is there? In the case of a LBS, even in this desert of bikedom, I have a couple of other choices, I just picked the one I did for convenience and the fact that they were friendly over the phone discussing the technical details of frame strength. I know he wants to sell what is on his shelf, but anything to improve the cash flow, even to the lowering of profit margin (within limits) is good business.

Ah, the old mail order versus LBS issue. It's a particularly acute problem in Australia because of the enormous cost differentials, I'm not sure whether it's primarily the manufacturers or the distributors that are screwing us over but the local retail prices (even from local online retailers) of bicycle parts are literally twice the price you'd pay for the same things from Europe/USA based online retailers, even when you include the extra P&P costs. I want to support LBS's, but when that means paying double the money for an expensive part that's a tough call to make.


Well-Known Member
Hotdog wrote: Ah, the old mail order versus LBS issue. It's a particularly acute problem in Australia because of the enormous cost differentials, I'm not sure whether it's primarily the manufacturers or the distributors that are screwing us over but the local retail prices (even from local online retailers) of bicycle parts are literally twice the price you'd pay for the same things from Europe/USA based online retailers, even when you include the extra P&P costs. I want to support LBS's, but when that means paying double the money for an expensive part that's a tough call to make.

Actually it wasn't too hard when it was just a few bucks, but there is one good thing about rising oil prices, it is now cheaper to pay the tax than to pay the freight. I'm going to let the LBS eat that, make a couple of bucks and they get to put their hands on a conversion kit (I'm a "good ol' boy" so we'll do the professional thing and check the package, then do the guy thing and mess with it a bit to see how it sort of fits together :mrgreen: ). This will be followed by a date to bring it back when completed and a Saturday of test riding. Less cash in Cruzbike's pocket, but I hope good advertising, since I've found that in retail, if you can put the samples in their hands and sell the sales people, you make money. Heck, why do you think drug pushers, errr, I mean pharmaceutical company sales reps have so many trial sample packs to give out?

HEY! You with the new Silvio! Bring the wrench down from over your head and return to your assembly duties. This is only a temporary hijacking and the thread will be returned to your control later, so you can post your pr0n. I promise, it won't hurt a bit.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
We return you now to the regularly scheduled program... :)

I swear the drive home from work was the longest ever. I thought I would never get home, but when I did, my wife's car was not in the driveway. Nor was there a box in the garage. She was teasing me. She had taken my daughter to the doctor, so it was probably another hour before I laid eyes on the box. Brimming with anticipation, I had my work area all set up and ready to go by the time she got home.

So, here's what the box lookes like when you pop it open:

Everything was well packed but I was extremely curious to check out the headtube after recent reports of damage found on these frames. The packing fix they implemented worked very well. A piece of aluminum tubing was pressure fitted into the headtube and seemed to do a great job. In this next picture, you see the sub assemblies on the desk behind, but the head tube protector is the silver bit you see protruding from the bottom of the head tube.

And this is the piece, itself:

Most of the subassemblies were pretty much assembled, so putting the frame together was a snap. I didn't have to trouble with very much getting it together. The fit and finish of the parts are beautiful and I had it to rolling frameset in no time flat. I installed all the parts I could, set the boom length, basically everything except brakes, cables, chain and handlebar. I would have been done, but still waiting on the brake calipers and chain from one vendor, the handlebar from my LBS. I have the cables, but there is no use in running them. I'm done, for now, until the rest of my parts come in. I still should be riding it by Friday, I hope.

Here's where she sits right now:

I cannot wait to get this beast on the road!


Nanda H.

Active Member
Looking good Mark. I've been side-line again with customers and crank forwards, but lust after the Silvio every time I lay eyes on her.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master

Last night, I decided to hell with the handlbar, I was going ahead with the build. I ran into a little difficulty getting a brake on it. Just for a test ride, I decided to temporarily mount a front brake only. I ran into difficulty when none of the nuts I had fit the recess in the fork, so I ended up chucking one into the drill press and turning it down a little with a file. There is no doubt a correct nut that fits the recess, but I like to take the time consuming route. I cut down the 46cm bars I already had, put a chain on and started running cables. I realized shortly into it that I had mounted my front derailleur to the wrong mounting holes. Changed that around so I could actually access my triple. I carefully measured my cable housings, being sure to allow extra for the wider bars that are supposedly coming :roll: . I get it all set up and start running cables. I hooked up the brake, then went to the back derailleur. I tested the shifting and it skipped over the first shift. Oops, too much slack in cable, so I take it loose, pull the slack from the cable and retightened the fixing bolt when SNAP, the fixing bolt and half of the derailleur hole snapped off in my hand! Damn... Now, I'm either down for a few days while I order a 9 speed derailleur, or hope and pray my LBS has one for me. :(

I think this is karma paying me off for not having patience. :shock:


Rick Harker

Well-Known Member
Hi Mark,
My sentiments to you.
I have got my Sofrider V2 and went for my first ride yesterday.
I rushed through the assembly just to get a ride in before dark.
I agree waiting is psychologically painful and in the mean time you have to try and look nonchalant about it in the face of others.
By the way, your bike looks great. your monthly prediction could be a reality.


Hope to see pics of you riding soon. I'll post some of mine if I don't crash into the photographer.


Well-Known Member
Ugh. Double check everything. I was planning on being cocky and jumping right on my conversion when I get her built without all the little coasting exercises, but realized I couldn't do that. I have to check the assembly and brakes first at the least, which will require at least a few short coasts.

Should have tried my scooter idea methinks.......

Oh well, take some pics and teach the next assembler not to make the same mistake.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Rick Harker wrote: Hope to see pics of you riding soon. I'll post some of mine if I don't crash into the photographer.

It's never a good idea to ram the photographer in the groin with a wildly spinning 52 tooth chainring.:shock:

Thanks, Rick!


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Kamatu wrote: Ugh. Double check everything. I was planning on being cocky and jumping right on my conversion when I get her built without all the little coasting exercises, but realized I couldn't do that.

I think Cruzbike should make everybody sign a disclaimer that requires everybody to do the coasting thing before they put a foot to a pedal. Even just coast down the driveway a couple times. You're learning curve is shorter, your bushes and mailbox will thank you... The neighbors are the only ones that get shorted a few moments of entertainment as you won't be doing the wobble/cuss your way up and down the street thing so much.


Rick Harker

Well-Known Member
I was reading in the Yahoo forums about one rider who hated their bike.

The support response from experienced riders was immense and fantastically encouraging. The rider stayed in touch until they finally "got it". I was touched that all these people, who didn't know the rider, offered their help and advice like old friends.

Luckily for me I "got it" sooner than later and all the comments I've read now make sense.

Onya Guys.



Well-Known Member
When I watched the Cruzbike first time rider videos I was struck by how similar the situation and reactions were compared to my 9 year old nephew I taught to ride this fall. The entire mind/body thing stuck out like a sore thumb. Then Mark posted his learning curve episodes and it was the same thing. When Mark wobbled, he thought about it and wobbled worse, when my nephew wobbled, he thought about it and wobbled worse (mostly to falling down).

I'm setting myself up, but I think I'll be able to take off and get over it fairly quickly, as long as I can make my mind let go.

IMO, the key to mastery of the FWD MBB is hands free riding. You should be able to ride an arrow straight line, turn the bike around and ride back arrow straight without any input from your hands at all. Just don't expect to get there the first day...

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Tragedy averted!!!!

It pays to be friends with the LBS owner. I went in there with my broken Mirage rear derailleur and walked out with a Veloce for a grand total of twenty bucks! He dug through his treasure chest and came up with a Veloce body that is the right generation for me. I just had to switch my guts over to it, which just takes a couple minutes. Here's a picture:

It looks good to me! The handlebar situation worked out good, too. I ended up with an Origin 8 Gary bar and let me tell you, I love this handlebar! It's much cheaper, too. This is the handlebar:

Here it is on the bike:


Doug best described this bike when he compared it to a F-16. This bike ROCKS! Much easier to ride than my conversion, which tells me I need to go to work on my steering.



Rick Harker

Well-Known Member
Hey Mark,

Have I missed the post that says you've ridden your bike yet?

The bars are looking good. Will they compliment the owner?


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Rick Harker wrote: Hey Mark,

Have I missed the post that says you've ridden your bike yet?

The bars are looking good. Will they compliment the owner?



I rode it, but just a short shake down ride up and down the street, around the block a few times, stuff like that. Just enough to realize what a little rocket this bike is. I'm hoping to shake it out a little more this evening.


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
defjack wrote: Just ordered some bars.Bike looks great Mark that was one fast build. Jack

Thanks, Jack. I thought I was a little pokey!

The neat thing about that bar (besides the price) is; it's considerably lighter than some of the others. I'm thinking of getting another for my conversion.
