Power Test


Active Member

As the end to the cycling program I've been in over the past 2 months, we had a power test tonight. It was using the Tacx trainers which have a built in watt meter. The past 2 months, I've been using my Silvio on the indoor trainer. I have been getting spoiled rotten with its comfort (thanks John, no really thanks!) For tonights test, I had to use my road bike though. I brought the Silvio into the shop the other day for a tune up and it was not ready. I had not ridden my regular, PITA, bike since last summer. What a huge difference. I know there is a period of adjustment each season getting onto a regular bike, but I think that made a huge difference in the test. I was very sore and uncomfortable during most of the test. It consisted of about 15 minutes of warm ups then riding for 20 minutes at lactate threshold.

The Tacx trainers show the current wattage and keep track of average wattage. At the end of 20 minutes, my average was 160. I felt it could have been much better on the Silvio. This showed how the better ergonomics ( more comfort less pain) allows you to concentrate on the ride and retain precious energy. When I get the Silvio back, I am going to do the test again and compare.

The top riders who can average 22 mph rides are pumping out around 300 watts. Compared to what I was able to do, thats incredible. Whole new respect for those guys! I am getting there.
