First ride of 2024


Well-Known Member
There is a rather strange tradition in Milwaukee every Jan 1. A bunch of people go down to Bradford Beach on Lake Michigan and jump in the lake at noon. I do not participate, but I did join a group of recumbent riders that biked to the beach to watch this event. My wife thinks that is just as strange as jumping in the lake. I think it is a great way to start the year. It was 27 degrees F. & cloudy. Here is a picture of the bikes at the beach With my Q45 in front. Most of the others were trikes.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
There is a rather strange tradition in Milwaukee every Jan 1. A bunch of people go down to Bradford Beach on Lake Michigan and jump in the lake at noon. I do not participate, but I did join a group of recumbent riders that biked to the beach to watch this event. My wife thinks that is just as strange as jumping in the lake. I think it is a great way to start the year. It was 27 degrees F. & cloudy. Here is a picture of the bikes at the beach With my Q45 in front. Most of the others were trikes.
I was so worried you were giong to tell me you jumped in! So glad you stay dry!

The Brook

Well-Known Member
We've had a very strange winter this year in Montreal, almost no snow, and we've had extended thaws 4 different times this winter, unheard of in Montreal. No extreme cold either, nothing below 10F.
I've ridden my Freerider around 25 times outdoors since Jan 1st, on days where it was above 25 F, and the roads were dry. I've never been able to ride outdoors more than one or 2 times per winter in years past, it was either too cold or icy for me.
On the other days, I would ride indoors using my DeskCycle, tied to my office chair so that I was at a fixed distance and then opened my laptop, and rode to the videos of riders riding in the Alps, gorgeous scenery to keep me motivated.
I have never been in such great shape this early in the year.


New Member
We've had a very strange winter this year in Montreal, almost no snow, and we've had extended thaws 4 different times this winter, unheard of in Montreal. No extreme cold either, nothing below 10F.
I've ridden my Freerider around 25 times outdoors since Jan 1st, on days where it was above 25 F, and the roads were dry. I've never been able to ride outdoors more than one or 2 times per winter in years past, it was either too cold or icy for me.
On the other days, I would ride indoors using my DeskCycle, tied to my office chair so that I was at a fixed distance and then opened my laptop, and rode to the videos of riders riding in the Alps, gorgeous scenery to keep me motivated.
I have never been in such great shape this early in the year.

I'm glad to hear you're in great shape, @The Brook! I also use a DeskCycle, but I haven't tried the riding video thing. I might have to steal that idea to stay motivated. Staying active is super important for my blood sugar control.