Maria Parker
We're excited to share a new way to connect Cruzbike riders with one another and with potential customers. We want to start slowly so we're asking for volunteers to try it out for us and let us know what you think. Here's the link when you sign up, let us know how it goes.
Tor pointed out that he cannot choose a model we no longer sell. If that's the case for you, just select the closest model, and then in the notes tell them what you actually have.

Connect with Owners | Top Recumbent Road Bikes - Cruzbike
Cruzbike Recumbent Road Bikes, top manufacturer of the best and fastest climbing recumbent bicycles in the world. Cruzbike recumbent bicycles are for touring, commuting, racing and getting rid of shoulder, back, wrist or saddle pain for cyclists. Ride farther and have more fun without...

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