Unforeseen problems....
When I first test rode the bike with this i didn't use the wheel weights that came with the Stac Zero. I wanted to be able to pull the bike off quickly to use outside as i do almost every day. It all worked pretty good except without the weights it was much harder to...
It allows the natural movement of a cruzbike. I considered combining this with a " normal" rocker plate but wanted to see how this felt by itself before I did that.
It feels more natural and you can use your arms more than when its stationary but I don't think they work as hard as when riding normal because there is no balance required.
I went to Lowe's and bought some non-slide pads that are sticky on one side and covered the bottom of the lazy-Susan. So the wood base freely moves and the lazy-base stays put. When I get off the bike I put a block on either side so the the platform dosen't rotate and knock the bike over.
Rocker plates mimic the side to side motion of a diamond frame bike.
I wanted to do the same for the movement of my S40, so I installed a large lazy-Susan under a platform that holds my trainer
It mimics the back and forth movement of the front of the bike fairly well.
I ordered a stac zero halcyon this Sunday. It arrived today.
I've been considering getting one for awhile.This weekend when I went to there site I saw they are offering the Halcyon at half price because they have been bought out by another company. I decided to pull the trigger. $374.99 plus...
This last Saturday the Parkers and Larry were racing in the RAAM Texas Challenge near San Antonio. I considered participating in the event as it's fairly close to Austin, but was a bit intimidated by the distance. I've never rode more than a century and wasn't sure how far I could ride...
I'm riding this way on my S40. 700/35 front and 700/28 on rear.i wanted to change the angle a little to see if it reduced seat pressure. It allowed for transfering a bit of my weight to the back of the seat and off of my rear. I realize it's not recommended by many but I haven't noticed any ill...
As I was riding today a car pulled into the bike lane a ways in front of me, as I entered the regular lane to go around him the gentleman who had got out of his car entered the street and waved me over.
I thought maybe I had dropped something or he really really wanted to ask about the bike.