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  1. V

    Its About Time

    Ah, the moment arrived today when the frame was carried in to the shop and I saw the Silvio name in huge letters on the box. Since I was working I couldn't open it right away... waited until lunch and pulled the main frame and suspension fork out to show the guys. They still don't get it, but...
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    Mark's letter to Santa

    Santa said okay. Once I'm comfortable with my own Silvio a tailbox is inevitable. I started a drawing and would love to hear your opinions: The red is the tailbox, the blue is lycra or similar flexible fabric. The prototype will most likely be coroplast, as I have a 4 4x4 sheets waiting to...
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    Its About Time

    You guys are keeping me sane, the wait is unbearable!
  4. V

    Silvio Colors!

    Thank you for the information. I suspected the fork could not be done, but no matter. The seat and frame will look nice by themselves, if the photo of the white Silvio is any indication. I think the candy red will make the Silvio faster. Indeed. Gosh, it takes forever to get this thing, doesn't it?
  5. V

    Silvio Colors!

    I'm considering having my new Cruzbike powdercoated. Recently my colleague at work had his aluminum MTB frame coated at the company that does our security bikes and the finish is incredible for a reasonable price. Currently my bicycle bug has bitten me hard and I've invested in two new bikes...
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    Its About Time

    Its coincidental you should mention that... lol! My step-dad, mom, grandma and real dad all root for UT, so I root for Tech just to be different. I'm not a big football fan, but I enjoy the family time despite the fact we're in front of the boob tube. So I now have a large choice of components...
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    Its About Time

    YEE HAW!
  8. V

    Its About Time

    Ordered my Silvio frameset today. I am so excited I don't know what to say!!! :shock: :shock:
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    Considering new Silvio

    Thanks for the replies gentlemen. I am so close to biting the bullet I can taste it. Biggest problem right now is getting the funds together, but soon... sooon. I am curious to feel the hardshell seat, haven't ever ridden one. I think the "breathes well" option of a mesh seat is mostly hype...
  10. V

    Considering new Silvio

    Greetings! My name is Lev and I am interested in the Silvio. I currently own a significantly modified 2000 Rans Rocket and desire to move up the ladder. As you undoubtedly know, recumbents are generally shunned by the roadie/wedgie crowd. My goal is to show them up. The disadvantages of my...