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  1. C

    Best Shipping???

    Sofrider Shipping I went to a local bike store and asked for 2 boxes they had received bikes in. Then removed wheels, handle bars and other parts so the Sofrider would fit in one and added card board cut from the second box to protect and hold the parts in place. Then shipped it via the post...
  2. C

    Is the Quest 2 front shock adjustable?

    Continuing Concern Finally, Friday, after 3 weeks of traveling and taking care of other commitments I have reassembled my Quest and gotten in an hour ride each of the last three days. Absolutely am enjoying my Quest. But I am still perplexed by one item that I would like to get some assistance...
  3. C

    For Sale

    Here's the Pic Finally got the picture so I can upload it. Am absolutely enjoying the bike and I really like the way it folds so it goes into my RV very nicely. You can just see the edge of our fifth wheel in the upper right corner of the picture.
  4. C

    For Sale

    Bike is Sold I am not the poster, but I am the one who bought this bike. I suspect that the poster may not see these questions. He had to sell due to health reasons and may not be following the forum any more.
  5. C

    Is the Quest 2 front shock adjustable?

    That is not the situation That is not the situation that I was asking about. What I was doing was checking to make sure I had removed the play between the inner TFT tube and the pivot joint from your previous instructions which did work. But while I still had the TFT separated I notice...
  6. C

    Is the Quest 2 front shock adjustable?

    Success but with a Question I bought a second Allen wrench and the issue with the looseness between the inner slide tube and the pivot clamp was just a loose bolt. After tightening it there is very little play side to side, but the tube still moves up and done very nicely. But while...
  7. C

    Is the Quest 2 front shock adjustable?

    Loose Steering I am having some issues with looseness in the steering of my Quest 2.0. When I first got the bike 3 weeks ago as the second owner I thought I was having issues with the Diatech ring being loose after reading some previous posts in this string. But after adjusting it several times...
  8. C

    Receiving or Giving a Cruzbike for Christmas?

    Got It My Quest arrived Friday night. Saturday I unpacked and assembled it and got my first short ride. The first loop around the campground was a little wobbly, but it came back fairly quickly. Sunday made some adjustments and got in my second ride. Monday was longer still, but the rains came...
  9. C

    Receiving or Giving a Cruzbike for Christmas?

    Quest for Christmas I am getting a Quest for Christmas although it won't be here until after Jan 1st and I am very excited. I owned a Sofrider for about 6 months earlier this year which I sold in September. Not because I wanted to but because I could not take it with me. I am a full time...