Search results

  1. Zzzorse

    It's me with the unridden Vendetta again.

    For me the turning point was Ratz's step number 6. But a Silvio 1.0 is easier to learn.
  2. Zzzorse

    Cause for Concern

    I can take a low dose betablocker one hour in advance of exercise as needed. Haven't had an occurrence without it for quite some time though so haven't used it.
  3. Zzzorse

    Cause for Concern

    Sometimes I have to use electrode gel to get a consistent reading, Without it the error mode is a heart rate displayed in the 200s. What Larry said is good advice. I also have atrial tachycardia on occasions and it's...
  4. Zzzorse

    Q on Facebook $800

    Works for me. Here's another link,
  5. Zzzorse

    Sofrider - $800/make offer - Myrtle Beach, SC

  6. Zzzorse

    Sofrider - $750 - Jacksonville, NC

    Found on Craigslist,
  7. Zzzorse

    Where are all the recumbents?

    That sure ain't no Zockra in the aesthetics. Mr Zockra would pull his hair out at the inference.
  8. Zzzorse

    Quest Q559 - $1000 - Longmeadow, MA

    Click on the link at the top of this page. I am not the seller.
  9. Zzzorse

    Quest Q559 - $1000 - Longmeadow, MA

    Bump. Price reduction.
  10. Zzzorse

    ODRAM Cyclist Murderer Facing Trial in Michigan

    Very sad to hear that. Sudden unexpected deaths hit us hard.
  11. Zzzorse

    Sofrider - $500 - White Center, WA - Relisted

    Found on Craigslist,
  12. Zzzorse

    Spam problem

    Larry, Larry, Larry.
  13. Zzzorse

    Spam problem

    Too generous, make it a blazing 14.4K.
  14. Zzzorse

    Sofrider - $800/make offer - Myrtle Beach, SC

    Found on eBay,
  15. Zzzorse

    Haters going to hate

    "You meet the nicest people on a Cruzbike",,,to borrow from early 60's Honda.
  16. Zzzorse

    Spam problem

    This is it,
  17. Zzzorse

    Spam problem

    Are spambots posting this stuff? I joined a XenForo forum where there was an image you had to assemble from parts -- presumably a task a bot would have difficulty with.
  18. Zzzorse

    Haters going to hate

    Could someone provide a link to that thread?
  19. Zzzorse

    Quest - $750 - Portland, OR

    Found on Craigslist,