Search results

  1. billyk

    Crucial angle between the COG and what? (hard braking)

    Having had to practice keeping myself from leaning forward on a hard stop so as not to lift the rear wheel, I looked through the forum for clues. I came up with two different statements from John Tolhurst. Referring to the 60 degree angle with the COG that makes hard braking safe: On...
  2. billyk

    Review of Quest 2 after one year

    After 1 year and about 2000 miles on my Quest 2 (559 wheels) I now know enough about it that it seems useful to review my experience on this bike. Sorry that this is long, but I spend a lot of time on the bike and thinking about it! I hope this is useful feedback. The great part of my...
  3. billyk

    Riding no-hands

    In my ongoing quest to become "one with the bicycle", I'm learning to ride my Quest 2.0 no-hands. It's surprisingly easy. I'm not a daredevil or a showoff (anyway, I'm too old for girls who'd be impressed with that kind of thing). I just want to feel completely in control of the bike. I...
  4. billyk

    really annoying click/ping noise finally fixed

    This is not really a Quest thing, or even a Cruzbike thing, but you might find it useful. My Quest 2 started making a truly annoying click/ping/clunk noise in the front end after a few hundred miles. It sounded a lot like a spoke ping but it occurred only when pedaling, more or less on...
  5. billyk

    A better way to adjust the Quest's BB5 disk brakes

    Here's a better way to adjust the Quest's Avid BB5 disk brakes. The whole story (with photos) is at: but the method is simple and fast: 1. Loosen the caliper mounting bolts until it moves...
  6. billyk

    Fairing on a Quest

    I put an old Zzipper fairing on my Quest without difficulty. The link below shows photos of an early (crude prototype) version of this, but it will give you the idea. I keep meaning to take photos of the new, spiffier mounts, but never got around to it so these will have to do...
  7. billyk

    First Quest crash

    In case anyone wants to know what happens when you go down on a Quest at speed ... And to get the important stuff out of the way, the bike is fine! I was on my way to work, on a slightly downhill straightaway going probably 20mph. A car was double-parked, and the street was otherwise clear...
  8. billyk

    Is the Quest 2 front shock adjustable?

    Is the front shock onthe Quest 2 adjustable? I notice that mine has virtually no travel (couple of mm at most), and it bottoms out with a hard stop on most bumps. Is there something I need to adjust? How can it be checked? BK
  9. billyk

    Reconciling contradictory advice on riding Quests

    With 2 months and about 300 miles on my Quest, I'm trying to reconcile two apparently contradictory pieces of advice: 1) Relax your arms and shoulders. It took me a couple of weeks to let go of the death grip I had on the handlebars, muscling the bars through turns. I started feeling...
  10. billyk

    Creaks on my new Quest: How to diagnose?

    My new Quest (559) makes a deeply-aggravating creak or series-of-clinks almost continuously when I ride. I don't know about you, but I like a smooth-running bike and this is driving me nuts! The facts: - It is a metallic creak or clinks. It brings to mind: a disk brake rotor irregularly...
  11. billyk

    Some thought about my new Quest, after 3 weeks of daily commuting:

    - Having gotten past that embarrassing "I can't control my bike!!!" stage, especially embarrassing since I've been riding recumbents for 15 years, I'm able to enjoy it and appreciate the ingenuity of the design. It's a fun bike to ride, and feels like it would be very comfortable for long...
  12. billyk

    What's the best way to mount a Quest on a repair stand?

    I can mount my new (!) Quest on my repair stand by clamping the frame just in front of the swingarm joint, but it doesn't seem very secure. Other possibilities I can see are: the seatpost (?) the upper steering column (?). Or what about inserting a pipe or hardwood dowel into the seatpost...
  13. billyk

    Notes/suggestions on assembling my new Quest

    Hi all - My new Quest just arrived and I spent a happy afternoon putting it together. The build quality seems excellent, but here's a few minor-ish problems/suggestions for improvement I see before I've even ridden it: 1) There is no good way to mount a fender (mudguard) on the front...