Search results

  1. ReklinedRider

    adjustable carbon seat

    Another good deal: adjustable carbon seat. You pay shipping and it's yours. Had this on my V20 before I sold it to Larry's Cruzeum. Kept the carbon seat thinking to use it on the Vendetta 1.5 but it is really not a good fit for that frame, altho it might work with some finagling.
  2. ReklinedRider

    Vendetta 1.5

    Need to find a good home for this Vendetta 1.5 frame set. Bought to go on my trainer as you can see in pics, although I did ride it on the road for several months. Gorgeous bike. Anyway. My aging neck will no longer put up with the position necessary to ride this bike. Prefer to ship frame only...
  3. ReklinedRider

    Compressionless brake housing on S40

    Does anyone know if compressionless brake housing will fit thru the internal routing access points on the S40? If not, would it be possible to safely enlarge the access holes?
  4. ReklinedRider

    V20 frameset for sale

    See pics and information on the Cruzbike Marketplace Forum.
  5. ReklinedRider

    V20 frame for sale---SOLD

    Selling 2016 Vendetta frame set. Reason for selling: moving to S40. The pictured adjustable carbon fiber seat and headrest is not included; I have the original carbon seat which will be included as well as the original headrest and cushion. I will also include the brake calipers as pictured if...
  6. ReklinedRider

    650b for S40

    Does anyone know the maximum size 650b tire that will fit in a 2023 S40? Kline
  7. ReklinedRider

    seat angle adj. 2022 Q45; shock creaking

    Liking this Q more and more, so I'm interested in getting the seat back angle a good bit lower. Ideally I'd like to get it to 45degrees since that was what was on my Silvio 1.5 and to me was ideal because i did not need a headrest ever and it was way more aero than bolt upright. I seem to be...
  8. ReklinedRider

    Creaking front triangle

    On my 2022 Q45, when first assembled and ridden this was not a problem, but after a few miles there is now an awful creaking/clicking sound with any pressure on the pedals. It's hard to tell exactly where it's coming from, so I have disassembled the entire front triangle including the headset...
  9. ReklinedRider

    Vendetta storage

    In case anyone ever wondered if a steadyrack(TM) would work for a Vendetta, the answer is yes, and quite nicely too I was concerned about clearance between the frame and front wheel. No problemo.
  10. ReklinedRider

    Zip tie front triangle...?

    Not long ago someone (I think it was Jim Parker?) posted how to zip tie the front fork and chainstay of a Vendetta so that it won’t come apart when removing the wheel but now I can’t find that post. Anyone know where to find it?
  11. ReklinedRider

    The Longleaf Trace

    So, the original plan was for the wives to come along too, but they bailed, and it became just the boys riding a great rails to trails project,the Longleaf Trace, on a gorgeous Saturday. We left the northern terminus of the trail at Prentiss, MS at around 8:45 with the temp still in the mid-60's...
  12. ReklinedRider

    Couch to Century in 12 Weeks: Week 12

    Well there was no organized Century Ride anywhere close this week so I decided to give it a shot solo. I didn't take any pictures since stopping and fumbling about with a camera was not on my list while attempting my first (Imperial) Century. So I guess by the Plager Principle the ride never...
  13. ReklinedRider

    BBB 2016

    Since I'm not much of a picture taker: Also Facebook page: Bikes, Blues & Bayous. Video posted by BBB of today's 62mi start; at the 24-25 second mark note the Flintstoning Vendetta rider :eek: At the start: a weirdo and his weird bike-- A blazingly hot and humid...
  14. ReklinedRider

    Music to my ears

    Went on a nice 30 mile group ride this morning, my first with this group. Very nice route, great bunch of folks. About 7 miles from the finish a handful of riders broke away off the front. Since I was new to the group I was drifting along off the back, and I thought, aw, just let 'em go. They...
  15. ReklinedRider

    Too much neck flexion

    That may ultimately be the case here too.
  16. ReklinedRider

    SRAM 1x

    Not sure if this thread belongs here or elsewhere, but I'm very curious what people here think about SRAM 1x. Realizing I could use a 50 tooth chainring and the 10-40 cogset and have a wider gear rannge than I have now with no FD to deal with has me intrigued. Even though I have no problems...
  17. ReklinedRider

    The V Chronicles

    Prelude: okay, bit the bullet and preordered the fall 2015 V20 Core edition. Slowly accumulated over many months: RōL D'Huez tubeless ready wheelset (left from previous Silvio 1.5; would go Bontrager or American Classic if I had it to do over) Schwalbe One 28mm tires Rival brakes Shimano...
  18. ReklinedRider

    Sram Yaw clamp-on adaptor

    Skipping the long and winding explanation for what my perfervid little brain is considering, 1) does anyone have any experience with or knowledge of whether a Yaw FD will actually work well using one of sram's clamp on adaptors? (no braze-on mount on Sofrider) 2) if Yaw will work using the...
  19. ReklinedRider

    Newbie turning point

    So, despite coming from a fine upstanding Rans/Hase/Bacchetta background my curiosity finally won out and I decided to try a Cruzbike. Just to see if I liked it. Figured I probably wouldn't but that it was worth a try. Bought a used Sofrider and rode it for awhile. I was right--I didn't like...