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  1. DuncanWatson

    Seat Mod

    Get the large. Always go bigger
  2. DuncanWatson

    i am off to cross the continent 28th sept 2015 4000klm fremantle to newcastle.

    Good luck mate. I am glad you survived that collision. Keep on riding Jond.
  3. DuncanWatson

    cruzbike blog (Fixed)

    Thanks for fixing this.
  4. DuncanWatson

    cruzbike blog (Fixed)

    I can't access the Hoodoo 500 race report by Ben at I also can't access the main blog from the cruzbike site. (Fixed now)
  5. DuncanWatson

    Positive thoughts for Abbott

    Get well Abbot. I was thinking of you yesterday after the blackout post.
  6. DuncanWatson

    I sense a disturbance in the 3rd Law

    Remember the Ratz 3 laws in his signature: iRatz. Must follow the 3 laws. iRatz may not support the hoarding of bike budgets of forum members or, through inaction, allow their budgets to remain un-used. iRatz must avoid for a 1 year period new technology released by bike companies, except...
  7. DuncanWatson

    Vendetta arrived work in progress

    There is already some smudging on the bars.
  8. DuncanWatson

    Giro Air Attack Shield Helmet

    I went with yellow as well. It will match the rest of my kit :)
  9. DuncanWatson

    Vendetta arrived work in progress

    I had a nice commute in this morning. I also found that my Vixen is easy to carry up stairs. Just put the boom over your shoulder and lift. It feels very much like moving an upright bike. Vixen at the office by Duncan Watson, on Flickr
  10. DuncanWatson

    Considering shorter cranks advice wanted.

    I pulled the trigger. I got a reasonable deal on a 53/39 set of q-rings and a great deal on an ultregra 165mm crankset sans rings. Everything arrives next week.
  11. DuncanWatson

    i am off to cross the continent 28th sept 2015 4000klm fremantle to newcastle.

    Remember fall on your left side, protect the drive train. I am glad he is OK, that can be very nasty.
  12. DuncanWatson

    Considering shorter cranks advice wanted.

    So I am thinking of going 53/39 Q rings + ultegra 165mm cranks in 130 bcd. That should work?
  13. DuncanWatson

    Considering shorter cranks advice wanted.

    I got a deal ($20) on some 165mm ultegra 130 bcd cranks. I will order a set of q-rings in 130bcd to match. I normally use 165s and q-rings on all of my bikes so this is just my normal. I don't normally use 130 bcd but there is only one lost gear going from 34 small to a 39 small. I can live...
  14. DuncanWatson

    Considering shorter cranks advice wanted.

    You aren't wrong, it is just I was feeling twinges in my knees the day after and that is a warning sign for the cranks. It may have been from the cleat that lost a screw and got out of position but ...
  15. DuncanWatson

    Considering shorter cranks advice wanted.

    I normally use 165mm cranks. I was looking at these cranks Rotor 3D24 Road Compact Crank in 165mm. They are available as low as 155mm but not in stock. Would this require a lot of custom work?
  16. DuncanWatson

    Considering shorter cranks advice wanted.

    I am considering shorter cranks. I currently am running a 170mm Ultegra crankset 50/34. I am wondering what is a good option to go to 165 or 160mm crankset. I would like to be able to get q-rings to go with it. I am wondering what choices have been made before by the trailblazers? I may...
  17. DuncanWatson

    Random Thoughts re: climbing

    Not really noticeable. I can put my left foot flat on the ground at a stop and I am short. Given how much I sanded and cut down the rubber blocks I am likely only 1/2"-3/4" higher.
  18. DuncanWatson

    Random Thoughts re: climbing

    So I am wondering how much of my improved speed on climbing on Vixen (Vendetta TT) is due to the higher gearing. I have an 11-32 in the back and a 50/34 up front so my gear inches ranges from 27.9" to 119.5". On my raptobike my low gear is 20" or so. I find that I don't fully downshift on my...
  19. DuncanWatson

    Vendetta arrived work in progress makes the zotefoam pad I use. That one came off my raptobike, I have one on order with yellow inserts. I will take pictures with the seats next to each other tomorrow. I took Vixen for a ride to Redmond today. I wanted to test out my commute. The ride was great, I had no...