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  1. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Here is a link to a couple of photos of me on the bike also. Similar angle, but show my leg at the fully compressed and extended positions. Thanks Mike
  2. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Many thanks - I have attached a link to a short video of me riding the mike on the trainer. I'm struggling to post pictures on the ... will keep trying but wanted to get this to you asap. Any thoughts ... Thanks Mike
  3. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    I'm finding I'm progressing quite nicely. I had my first 100km ride at the weekend - in a healthy but not startling time of 3hrs 56mins. Certainly fast enough to keep pace with the fastest of the three groups that will be making the Paris trip. This, for me, is a huge win as I would have been...
  4. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Hit a milestone today with my first (metric) century. Have attached a link: ~2hrs of cycling (the first 50km) condensed into 7mins. Its rather poor quality, generally quite dull and very vomit inducing! Two highlights: a) Just before the two minutes...
  5. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    There are two mounting points for cages on the underside of the seat and one on the top of the boom.
  6. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Having done my 100miles weekend, my mind is turning to hydration and also carrying basic spares (a pump, tubes, tools etc.) There seem to be loads of examples of bags that others have fitted ... but many seem to be to earlier Vendetta models and come seem to involve some additional...
  7. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    I working on relaxing on it .. I'm assuming the more miles the better. I also found a really useful video of Maria Parker climbing (and a comparison to a DF rider). This was really helpful as it gives a better idea of what I should be attempting to do. The synchronized pulling on the...
  8. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Firstly, sorry for my lack of updates … I have had some great device on here and should have given a little more back. So in the spirit of shared experience this is how my learning has gone: First weekend: this was spent mostly in car parks and trying to get a feel for the bike. I spent an...
  9. Mwhwsmith

    Steering damper/stabilizer

    Well that's very clear :-) I think the advice is pretty clear; thank you. My challenge is that I need to be making faster progress than I am. I am due to ride to Paris (circa 180miles) in 8-9 weeks and I'm finding that I tired very quickly on the bike. I'm guessing this is because I'm...
  10. Mwhwsmith

    Steering damper/stabilizer

    I'm making progress learning to ride my V20 although am finding the heavy front end is taking some getting used to - both when I'm riding and also when I'm moving the bike around. I see a number of people recommend fitting a steering damper and I have seen various examples (some 'sold' some...
  11. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Arrived !!!!! It's arrived ... my LBS have done a great job and I am now the proud owner of a Cruzbike Vendetta. Picture below: As you can see, there is still a little 'finalization' to do once I have gotten a better feel for the position of levers, set-up for boom etc...
  12. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Vendetta is different I believe the standard build on a Vendetta is different to the Silvio; an 11-32 is standard although I may be corrected by someone with first hand knowledge. Probably still a week to go until I get the assembled bike back.
  13. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Decisions ... This is all helpful ... however I confess I have gone for some 50mm deep Fulcrum Red Wind wheels. I know they add some weight and potentially some instability in X-winds - but they do look good (IMHO). I have also promised myself I will lose 2lbs of excess stored energy...
  14. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    A bump in the road ... Looks like my LBS is struggling to source the wheels I wanted: Fast Forward F4R-C (White) clinchers - it appears they are out of stock with their wholesaler and won't be in for a few weeks. So I need to find an alternative ... So I have two questions: a) Is...
  15. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Ratz - oops, yes forgot the Ratz - oops, yes forgot the details of brakes - these will be the 6800 brake set ie. rim brakes. I will have a chat with my LBS about fitting as you describe. Will see if they are comfortable doing that. Leetaylor55: I found tracking the arrival of the frame...
  16. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Group-set spec details Ratz - Thank you ... very helpful and I have shared with my LBS. So I now have a feel for the spec for the build (I won't be doing this!). Groupset: BB: Shimano BB-R60 11 Speed Cups (Ultegra 6800/105 5800) Cassette: Shimano 11-32, 11 Spd Ultegra 6800...
  17. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    It's arrived It's here ... very happy and excited. Is there an assembly manual I can download. I can;t seem to find it on this site? Thanks Mike
  18. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Great advice - thank you Many thanks - this is great advice. I had already been in touch with my LBS - fortunately there is an excellent one a few hundred yards from my house. I was going to source the components through them and I have already spoken to them about the project. We had...
  19. Mwhwsmith

    Paris or bust ... probably bust

    Hi ... my V20 frameset arrives tomorrow and I thought I should introduce myself as I am sure I will come to rely on your advice in the coming months. Firstly, a little background: I have never ridden a recumbent bicycle before and my prior cycling experience has been limited to an entry...