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  1. mzweili

    New Power Generator

    Does anyone know of this ? How much drag ?
  2. mzweili

    My first experiences

    Four days ago I got for the first time on my Silvio. It was a sunny afternoon, but awfully cold and windy. I did some rolling downhill and put my feet on the pedals. But most of the time it was the bike who decided in which direction we went. Today finally spring showed up in our country...
  3. mzweili

    Silvio 2 gearing

    I'm about gathering the parts for my Silvio 2 build. My question: what gearing would you recommend for riding in hilly terrain? Unfortunately I have a short, steep hill close to my home (¼ mile up to 16%). I'm not sure that a 28-38-48 triple with 11-34 (22 to 117 GI)...