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  1. castlerobber

    Bikes, Blues and Bayous coming up 8/01

    Bikes, Blues, and Bayous is this Saturday, 1 August 2015, at 7 a.m. It's a flat, well-supported ride in the Mississippi Delta, out from Greenwood. BB&B claims to be "Mississippi's largest ride"; as of this morning, there are more than 750 riders registered. About half the participants are...
  2. castlerobber

    25 Miles of Mayhem

    A ride report for us shorter-distance types: Had fun riding the "25-mile" route at the 100 Miles of Mayhem Saturday in Madison County, Miss. Nice rolling course, no flat stretches to speak of. Cavalier Hill is the high spot, with about 130 feet of climbing over a half-mile. I remembered what...
  3. castlerobber

    Quest 451 2.0 - Jackson, Miss.

    Selling my Q451 2.0. I bought it new one year ago (late May 2014). The components are stock: SRAM DualDrive 3 x 9, 11-28 cassette, 42T Cruzbike e-ring, Kenda Kwest 28-451 tires, Avid brakes. I added a Zéfal Spy Mirror, a Zéfal bottle cage on the seat back, the Cruzbike heavy-duty rear rack...
  4. castlerobber

    Introducing the family to the Q

    Last time I went to my hometown to visit family, I took the Q451 along to show them. None of them had ever seen a recumbent of any sort up close, much less heard of Cruzbikes, so they didn't know it was "hard to ride." My brother, after a couple of "whoa" moments, was able to start off without...
  5. castlerobber

    Painless in Flowood

    Painless in Flowood, Mississippi's first-ever recumbent rally, has drawn to a close, save for a handful of intrepid recumbenteers who are riding the Natchez Trace end to end this week, 444 miles from Natchez to Nashville. Two-wheeled recumbents and tadpole trikes were well represented. There...
  6. castlerobber

    First Silvio ride was a wash...literally

    It was raining when I picked my new-to-me Silvio 1.5 up from the LBS yesterday, so I was determined to get at least a short ride in this afternoon after work. I hadn't been on the road more than 10 minutes when dark clouds started moving in from the north. I turned for home and started trying to...
  7. castlerobber

    Front Shifting on Silvio 1.5

    I just got my Silvio 1.5 back from being built up at the LBS. The mechanic told me that they could only get the front shifting to be "acceptable" instead of "very good," By "acceptable," he apparently meant "will shift from small to large ring only when the chain is on one of the two smallest...
  8. castlerobber

    Recumbent Rally in Mississippi -- Y'all come!

    Our recumbent dealer in the Jackson, Miss., area is hosting a Recumbent Rally and Convention the first weekend in May. Speakers include the CEO of Greenspeed, a co-founder of Bacchetta, and Bryan Ball of BROL. There will be rides of several distances and ability levels, up to and including a...
  9. castlerobber

    Discomfort from seat back

    Aha! Odd...when I try adding the images to a comment on my original post, it works:
  10. castlerobber

    Setting the seat angle

    Is there documentation anywhere of exactly how to set the Quest seat to get the desired angle? I found one post where someone mentioned inserting the seat tube 3" (I think) to get angles of 47, 52, and 57 on his wife's bike. But I tried it, and didn't get the angle I was looking for. I had...