23 0r 25 tires?


Zen MBB Master
Need some new tires Performance was out of Gatorskin 25s but have plenty of 23s. How is the ride quality between the 2? Jack

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
You already need new tires, Jack? Mine are still going strong. Man, maybe I better look again!

I don't know as you'll see a huge difference. Maybe none, at all. Try e-bay



Zen MBB Master
Went with the 23s and the ride is no rougher than the 25. Had a lot of small cuts after 4000 miles . I also backed into a cactus plant in my brothers driveway and found 6 spines on the tire that went into the tube so it was time for some tires. Jack

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
defjack wrote: Went with the 23s and the ride is no rougher than the 25. Had a lot of small cuts after 4000 miles . I also backed into a cactus plant in my brothers driveway and found 6 spines on the tire that went into the tube so it was time for some tires. Jack

I wouldn't be so worried about ride quality as I would contact patch for climbing.

Speaking of tires... I noticed the front tire on my bike is way more worn than my rear tire. Contrary to how any other bike wears tires. I have also noticed that I'm spinning the tire on startups a little more. I guess that means the tire is getting pretty thin. I think I'll rotate the back tire to the front. I'm betting I'll get 6-7000 out of my tires, barring any cuts.


Well-Known Member
Mark B wrote:
Speaking of tires... I noticed the front tire on my bike is way more worn than my rear tire. Contrary to how any other bike wears tires. I have also noticed that I'm spinning the tire on startups a little more. I guess that means the tire is getting pretty thin. I think I'll rotate the back tire to the front. I'm betting I'll get 6-7000 out of my tires, barring any cuts.
Hi Mark,
Boy you must have really well swept roads and bikepaths in your part of the world!!
Don't people throw their empty alcohol bottles out at the side of the road in your part of the world? (95% of the glass is from smaller bottles, of the 330-375ml size)
Tyres around here usually get changed around the 4to5000km(2500 to 3125 mile mark), mainly because of some kind of major damage to the tyre, at which point I don't feel safe on the tyre at anything other than very modest speeds (so that doesn't last long, like a trip home to fit the spare tyre!!!). I regularly check tyres for small embeded bits of glass, but it's usually something major that finally puts paid to the tyre.

I've not heard of anyone getting 9600-11200km out of tyres. What kind of tyres are you using??

Just as an aside, and seeings as how this thread is about tyre widths, I am using 23s front and back, and have had no problems with them on sealed surfaces. I pump them up to around 110psi. but I don't always pump them up as regularly as I should, so they drop back to around 90 over a week or so.
Does anyone use a wider tyre on the front and a narrower one on the back?

John R.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master

I run Continental Gatorskins. They are pretty darned bulletproof; I've been real happy with them. I've never had a tire that lasted anywhere near this long.
