A few pics of the Freerider


Active Member
So here it is:



And... it's awesome!


Active Member
I love everything about it.

Hightlights include how when, the pics were taken, I was in the middle of a 36km ride, we were 45 mins in and my but felt great, my wrists didn't hurt, I could feel my fingers, and many people had commented on the bike as I rode. I was keeping up with my friend who does triatholons and overall having a great time.

Today (after that ride) I'm sore in all the good ways of muscles that have been used, and not sore at all in the bad ways of nerve damage and extension sprains so... all in all, I'm sold and happy and I'm recommending the bike to everyone.


I've been trying to develop an eye for all of the models and variants ever since I first heard of Cruzbike.

"What the hell kind of recumbent is this??? Cruzbike? Is that a misspelling of Softrider or Sofarider? Wait, it's front wheel drive and the front wheel also still steers?"

So far, the best I can figure is that the Freerider and the Sofrider are basically the same, frame-wise, only main difference is the handlebars and where they're mounted. Am I correct? Were both made and offered at the same time or did one replace the other? Which is the older version?