Aero wheels


Well-Known Member
Thanks John

John, thanks for taking the time to post.

I've found your comments/observations on aero discs/wheels most valuable.

Kind regards...
Vendetta with 88 mm profile carbon wheels and Maxxis Radial 23

I have the standard wheels from Cruzbike for my Vendetta.
I have posted about my new carbon wheels and tires on BROL.


Recumbent Quant
A heavier wheel figures into

A heavier wheel figures into the equation twice. First, there's the actual weight addition, just like adding water bottles or anything else.

Then there's the rotating intertia. Wheels have to be accelerated, and adding weight to the wheels adds rotating intertia, increasing the energy required to accelerate the wheels, and thus the bike. Think of adding weight to a flywheel.

That's why you don't see deep rim wheels on climbing bikes in UCI races.

This is true and in races where seconds matter over a hundred miles, this will be an effect. For things like RAAM where you have days where you are just climbing and not decending, reducing the mass makes sense too.

But for most of us, most of the time, the mass isn't that big of a deal. At worst, you can count the mass of the wheel twice as far as accelerating goes (but not for climbing) and this assumes that the mass of the wheel is entirely at the outer edge (which it isn't).

If you're a professional racer, worrying about weight makes sense. If you're an overweight slob (like, well, me) then you're better off worring about the 10 extra lbs your carrying around your mid-section and don't worry about the weight on your bike. If you're somewhere in between, then pop some numbers into Excel and see where you are.

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
I searched but could not turn

I searched but could not turn it up again. It was several trials done on a famous hill climb TT in France, taking into account prevailing winds.
Carbon Wheel 88mm

I got a new carbon wheel set 88mm this year for the Vendetta.
I was on a ride recently with a road bike that had 60mm carbon wheels mounted.
Sorry about having the

Sorry about having the pictures marked private.
Thanks Eric for informing me.
The link should work now and I also made another link to another set.
I joined a club ride on

I joined a club ride on Monday evening it started at 18:00
It was a beautiful evening but windy. The evenings here have nice temperatures for riding and it doesn't get dark before 22:30.
There was no problem of keeping up with the group climbing hills.
I had to use my brakes often when going down hills because Vendetta like most recumbents roll faster because they are more aero.

I did stay with the group but on one of the longer straight downhill's I passed everyone and waited for them some kilometers ahead.
When we got closer to home some of the riders took off and I followed and passed everyone and was the first to reach our finishing point which was where we started on our round trip.
I had to wait before the others showed up this the first time I have come first on a club ride.
Nobody said a word to me at the end of the ride but I did speak with a couple of them during the ride.
'm not a strong rider so if this was a race the fastest riders would have climbed faster than me.
My hopes when buying a Vendetta were to be able to climb as fast as club riders on an average level.
I can climb easily on the pace of the club rides I have been on and that wasn't possible with the other recumbents I used on club rides.
The Vendetta is fastest recumbent I have been on and the best climber.
One of the most impressive features of the Vendetta is when you are going fast on a flat section and come to a hill that's not steep you can still keep going very fast.

I have had it for a year and I have tried different wheels and tires.
The standard wheels are nice but I think these carbon wheels are faster but I don't have any scientific proof.
I have been using the Vendetta to commute I have got more comments on it than any other recumbent I have used to work.
I have also got many comments about the wheels since they are the same as the ones used on ordinary racing bikes.
I'm very happy and satisfied with my Vendetta and like that it uses dual 700 wheels which gives a big choice in wheels and tires.