Aerospoke Silvio

Well, I'm a new Silvio owner (since May) and it has been quite an experience for me. I took a chance on the Silvio and another one with Aerospoke wheels. I have made a few interesting accessory modifications since this attached photo. Like most other reviews I've read here, my first week on the Silvio was what I call a "white knuckle" experience. I'm still "in training" so just local low traffic roads so far. I still have great difficulty with dead starts on flats....and forget inclines. I'm a downhill start guy so far but working toward better skills in this department. Overall I'm thrilled with the bike. I got into this for health and exercise reasons and picked the Silvio for related reasons ans well as the design of the bike. I will post my build details soon and will be happy to share experiences.


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
That looks pretty good. Keep us posted on how your riding is progressing.

I'm slightly jealous, too. I'm riding my conversion until I get my insurance check, then it will be on to Silvio build II.

Thanks guys. Yes, I read about your unfortunate mishap Mark. It made me cringe!! I gasp at the slightest chip or scratch on mine so I can relate to your loss. You're not an idiot. My wife swears I have acquired all that's available of that anyway. :roll: She has a recumbent trike and a two wheel road bike and just giggles at me as we ride together. We average about 50 yards between folks who stop us asking what the heck I'm riding. I suppose there are worse things than being a key source of amusement to the spouse? :lol: And she won't go near the Silvio. She tried it once and said never again. I've not seen any female riders on the the Silvio a guy thing? :?:


Zen MBB Master
Thats a good looking bike alright.Dont worry too much about starts they get real easy even in heavy traffic with some time on the bike. Jack

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
My wife has ridden my bikes and she would probably ride one, if she wanted to. She likes the uprights, though.

Get used to the comments and weird looks. Even among the recumbent crowd, we are a bit of an oddity. That's OK, though.

Thanks for your kind comments on my recent accident. It was a sad moment, but I think it's going to end well.


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
I wonder if it would be just as comfy to roll the bars forward say 60 degrees, this would reduce the drag sillouette I think. Should be noticable.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
johntolhurst wrote: I wonder if it would be just as comfy to roll the bars forward say 60 degrees, this would reduce the drag sillouette I think. Should be noticable.

I thought the same thing. Assume the purpose is to gain knee room without being between the drops. The real answer is WTB/Origin 8 bars.


Well, I resisted the idea initially but had to replace a shifter and decided to try turning the bars down. At about 30 degrees I realized I liked the idea but my knees were just touching my fingers by the shifters on the up side of pedaling. I raised the handlebar a half inch hoping that would solve it. Still had a tight fit for the knees so I turned the bars back up about 10 degrees and knee room is fine. I'd really like to get the bars turned down farther but unless I pop the bars up significantly I just don't have the knee room.

Are the Origin 8 bars wider at the curve than the WB Mountain bar?

Also, I'm cecking my chainstay for straightness when I raised the bar but that's just an issue when you change the leg adjustment (clamp 62) right?



Zen MBB Master
Origin 8 bars are 56cm wide if everything is adjusted knee clearance is no problem.My knees are at least 2 inches away from the bars. Jack
Hummm...if that's from outside end to end then the WTB Mountain and Origin 8 are the same width. Origin 8 won't solve my problem. I am a little bowlegged so that may cause my gate or cadence to be a bit wider than most? I probably have half an inch clearance now where you have 2 inches. I'll look around for a wider bar but I doubt there is such a thing.

Thanks for the feedback.



Zen MBB Master
Have you tried bringing the long stem back toward you?Mine is 9in to the edge of the 34.9 clamp to the top of the bars.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
defjack wrote: Have you tried bringing the long stem back toward you?Mine is 9in to the edge of the 34.9 clamp to the top of the bars.

Wow.... Really? I'm a little longer legged and my TFT is extended more, but mine is only 6". The measurement Jack mentioned, that is. :oops:

Yes, that is what I meant by "raising the bar". I went from 5.5 inches to 6.0. 9 would be tough on my arms...I'm ony 5' 8" tall. I think I'll jack the long stem up another inch and see what happens? I'm with you Mark....other measurements aside......who says size matters? :roll:

Tx For FB


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
I'm kinda weird, because I don't mind my knees ticking the bar now and then. So, don't go by me. I want my bar low as possible.

I pulled the stem to 6.5 and rotated the bar forward quite a bit. Rode about 15 miles today and still have a slight touch of the knees to the fingers but maybe I'll get used to it. I do like the shifters lower...John was right. For me a bar that was another inch wider would be perfect. I probably look like "Mr. Toad's Wild Ride" coming down the street with my knees as wide as they seem to work. :lol: My wife has now officially pronounced me to be obsessed with my Silvio.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Stevearino wrote: My wife has now officially pronounced me to be obsessed with my Silvio.

:roll: I eclipsed that mark eons ago! During the time I was between Silvios, my wife would find me somewhere, curled up in the fetal position and whimpering. She would KICK me and tell me to "get a life". She's got some nerve, I tell ya! :lol: :lol:

John, I'm using the WTB Mountain bar.

Mark, yeah.....done that fetal curl thing too. My wife now refers to the Silvio as "The Other Woman". :roll:

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Stevearino wrote: John, I'm using the WTB Mountain bar.

Mark, yeah.....done that fetal curl thing too. My wife now refers to the Silvio as "The Other Woman". :roll:

+1 :roll: I don't know where the heck she gets that. The Silvio can't cook, do laundry, or open a beer. :lol: :lol:



Active Member
So Stevearino,

How have you liked those Aerospoke wheels? I went to their website, they look great... Does the added stiffness make for a better ride? More power as they say?

Anyone else been using them?
