Anyone know what model this is?


This was the picture that inspired me and actually got me thinking about getting a recumbent. I was an elite cyclist for decades but haven't been able to ride for about 6-7 years due to knee replacement and lots of neck/shoulder issues. This is the picture that got me thinking that I could actually start riding again as it looked so cool and fun. I just ordered a Q45 and should get it tomorrow :p



Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
This looks like a softrider to me, but what does @dougburton say? He can probably tell you the year it was made

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
Looks like a V1 Sofrider. Seat height was +1 inch taller than the V2.x, and the wheelbase was shorter (shorter swing arm).

It rode very well; easy to learn to ride. This was the beginning of Cruzbike's complete retail bicycles.

You folks are still writing the rest of the story...


Well-Known Member
I’m a new Cruzbike rider with a Q45 and I think it’s fun. I’ve been a bike user off & on for the past 50 yrs. Post some photos & let us know how it goes.