My poor Silvio was attacked. She was unable to defend herself, unlike me... but I gave them a piece of my mind.

About a month and a half ago I was on my way home from work one Sunday, right past the apartments where I used to live. Two miles from work, just getting warmed up! I was planning to see if my old neighbor was home when I suddenly felt ice and water and a cup thrown from the side of the road by some young hooligans. When this happens from someone in a car, I usually just laugh as loud as I can as I rarely catch them. So I pulled over and set Ms Silvio down in the grass and approached the kids. As it turns out, they really WERE kids, only one could even pass for over 18. I gave them that piece of mind I was referring to and kindly explained I was too old to worry about hurting children.

Once I made it to the bike, got my helmet on and picked her up... the four of them decided they would attack, the first kicking the rear wheel of my poor little lady hard enough to irreversibly bend the rim. I managed to set her down out of their way and stand up for myself. All at once two of the heathens throw awful round house punches easily blocked, all the while I'm asking them to please stop or be hurt. The third guy tries a kick so I use it against him and throw him to the ground. By this time we are blocking traffic and the kids decide maybe I'm right and they run between the nearest apartment buildings. The Bedford Police arrive and interview me and a few witnesses, but I decline to press any charges or request persuit, suggesting perhaps they either learned their lesson or will try again with a less well mannered and possibly armed person.

I ordered a new rim after trying to straighten the bent one to no avail, laced it the quick way (taping the rims together and moving one spoke at a time) and was back up and running within a week. The weather has agreed with me almost every time I ride... up to 1400 miles total now and feel well prepared to complete the MS150 this May.

My apologies for the absence from our beloved forum. Life gets ahead of you sometimes, LOL :D

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
Well, my friend,

Glad you are okay. Reminds me of what we used to see on the back of a fellow's race car -

"Old age and treachery will always defeat youth and skill." He was 76 when he won has last National Championship in SCCA.

Really messes with them when you beat them in a defensive posture.

But seriously, glad you're okay.



Well-Known Member
Hardtailcruzer wrote: "Old age and treachery will always defeat youth and skill." ....

My older son, who will become a martial arts instructor, asked me if I would like to spar with him. I reminded him quickly of that statement and he said that to be nice he would only go half speed. Blocked one punch and before he could reset him self, he found himself in a bear-hug on the floor ready for the referee to "slap the mat" (I tried to remind him that I went to college on a wrestling scholarship, I guess he forgot.)....... We may be older, but we have not forgotten how to win....

I too am glad you are okay. As you made mention, maybe the next guy will not be as polite and let a weapon of destruction do the talking.....

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Amen, brother, life does get in the way, sometimes.

Glad to see you back, glad you're riding a lot, but it sucks about getting attacked. Glad you are OK.
