Bessies Creek 24 Hour Race - Apr 14 - Brookshire, Texas


Well-Known Member

This is a 24 hour race in Texas. A 21 mile loop, flat as a pancake. Last year the race was very hot so they moved it up a month to April. Likely to be a thick contingent of recumbents and HPVs.

No crew required. Six and 12 hour race options, as well. Easily self-supported.

I'll be racing the 24 hours on the Vendetta with a 53/39 upfront and a 11/28 ten speed rear cassette. This is a RAAM Qualifier race.

I hope to god there isn't a contingent of racers wanting to ride in a `train' or a `paceline.' It's my own bias, but drafting in a race defeats, for me, the fundamental purpose of racing. For me, it would be like choosing to race a course that is comprised of nothing but a gentle downhill. Why ride? What is the ultimate `value' of the racing result? (I'm inhibiting a boatload of sarcasm here).

If anyone from the CA or AZ area is thinking of doing the BC24 send me an email and we may be able to save some money on gas.