Guru Schmuru
On a Strava post Rick commented on the FAT bike I have. I actually own 1/10th ($20...yes twenty) of it and it's parked here at work.
That made me think about our indoor bike parking - which I arranged with Management about 8 yrs ago - there was NO WAY I was locking my brand new Silvio up on the street 8 hours a day.
So I took a picture of the parking to share AND you can just see the rear end of the Vendetta poking out at the near-end...complete with new DIY rear wheel cover.
Which I haven't yet posted anything about yet...
Just a little something for today - enjoy.

NOTE: I started this on my phone - and then logged into a desktop (iphone pics too big to upload and my resizer app wasn't working) and LO AND BEHOLD! the draft ^^up there^^ was retained when I clicked "Create Thread" on the desktop.
NICE Work to the team for picking and configuring such an awesome forum solution.
NEXT NOTE: I just emailed the picture to myself (phone to work account) and of course iPhone asks if I want to resize the picture in the email. derp!
That made me think about our indoor bike parking - which I arranged with Management about 8 yrs ago - there was NO WAY I was locking my brand new Silvio up on the street 8 hours a day.
So I took a picture of the parking to share AND you can just see the rear end of the Vendetta poking out at the near-end...complete with new DIY rear wheel cover.
Which I haven't yet posted anything about yet...
Just a little something for today - enjoy.

NOTE: I started this on my phone - and then logged into a desktop (iphone pics too big to upload and my resizer app wasn't working) and LO AND BEHOLD! the draft ^^up there^^ was retained when I clicked "Create Thread" on the desktop.
NICE Work to the team for picking and configuring such an awesome forum solution.
NEXT NOTE: I just emailed the picture to myself (phone to work account) and of course iPhone asks if I want to resize the picture in the email. derp!