bolts that attach the front-wheel brackets


New Member
Has anyone else had the problem of rusting on the bolts that hold the wheel brackets for the front-wheel drive on the conversion kit?
The nuts and washers are as shiny as when I put together the kit originally, but the bolt heads are rusted. I'm alittle afraid this could compromise strength in the front end. Has anyone else experienced this problem?


Well-Known Member
Yup, I've got surface rust on the bolts on my bike - however just looks like a cosmetic problem at the moment.
:roll: :roll:



New Member
Unless you regularly submerge your bike in salt water :D those high tensile steel 10mm bolts will outlast most of the rest of your bike.

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
Unfortunately, those have to be carbon steel bolts. Stainless isn't really strong enough over the long haul.

They would have to be pretty rusted in order to be compromised on strength.

Anyone who's tried to disassemble an old British roadster knows what I mean... :D