When I designed my bike, I wanted its maneuverability like a DF road bike. Therefore, I use my road bike as a reference: head tube angle 72 degree, trail 70 mm, only extended wheel base to 1040 mm. Owing to the lighter front end and relatively shorter wheel base, I can make U-turns on narrow streets. The back rest angle of 34 degrees is good for cycling on the city bike path and group ride. The upper stay is curved to be more flexible. Being a tribe member here, I avoid some of the problems: clamp the chain stay on BB shell, install correctly the front derailleur hanger. In the future, I might want to make the main frame tube that can be separated into two sections, the rear stays are bolted on (not welded) to make the bike portable. My next frame will have a back rest angle 24 degrees and wheel base 1120 mm by extending the rear stays to clear the end of the main frame tube from the rear tire. The rear stays can be made very elastic, the problem is: when I hit a pot hole on the street, the vibration is undamped. Perhaps I need an extra thick cushion on Thor seat. From technical point of view, Speedone Company's rear suspension on S30 does have a merit. It has a better side-way stiffness than the swing arm type of suspension. But swing arm suspension equipped with an air shock is very comfortable. I am testing a design in which the pivot has cartridge bearings.