Brake Squeal


The brakes on my Quest were squealing. This seems a common curse of disk brakes. I once had a bike where the squealing became shrieking and I became reluctant to use the brakes at all. This was not good. After much googling and experimenting I have two solutions that work.

The first is to attach a small but weighty object to the body of the brake mechanism. I used a socket from a socket set and attached it with a plastic zip tie. However this looks odd and adds weight.

The other solution is to round off the edges of the holes in the disc's braking surface. Run your fingers over both sides of the disc and you will find that one side has sharper edges to the holes. Only this side needs to be done. This seems usually to be the side of the disc without writing on it. Now take a small, flat, fine-toothed file and, working your way round the disc, round off all the corners of the holes in the braking surface. It is a pain to do as the file is reluctant to move over the sharp edges of the hardened steel but the quieting effect lasts for months or longer.

Its a shame that the manufacturers have not sorted the problem themselves.


check my post on adjusting the Quest disk brakes

Dave G. - Have you seen my post of a few days ago on adjusting the disk brakes? In addition to improving brake performance, it also removed the squealing. Disk brakes just require close adjustment. Try the method in my post and see if it helps. BK


billyk - I did see your post

billyk - I did see your post and liked the adjustment method . It was your post that prompted me to spread a bit more disc experience.

It was some years ago that a couple of BB7s were driving me mad. I tried many things but only the two methods in my post worked.

When my Quest, with the similar BB5s started to squeal a little while back I filed the disc and its been quiet since. If I hear another peep out of it I will try your method.