Cant find a suitable donor bike?

John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
ah yes, I have been updating the webshop. This is a direct copy of the Sofrider V2.3 frame, which has minor updates on the V2.2 frame.


New Member
I have a sofrider V1 (I'm told it was the prototype BROL had). Would the front fork from the V1 work with the newer framset?
My main issue with the bike is seat height and I'm wondering if it would lower me down a bit?

"Pick your components, paint over the intentionally-neutral white paint, build it any way you want." It looks like it is already covered by stickers. Are they easy to remove or are they under a clear coat if I did so desire to paint it up some?

Doug Burton

Zen MBB Master
evblazer wrote: I have a sofrider V1 (I'm told it was the prototype BROL had). Would the front fork from the V1 work with the newer framset?

This is exactly what I intend to do. And it should work just fine.

The V2 frame should lower the seat about 1", a little more can be had by relaxing the rear suspension a little.

Dunno about the decals; I'll know more when I've had a look at the frame up close. Even if they're under clear coat, some judicious sanding should remove them and won't matter much if you're powder-coating...

