Hi,I just received my S40. I can pick up an old-school mag trainer for $20 at the local pawn shop. What do I need to adapt the trainer to a thru axle?
Maybe write an email to @Robert Holler ( "support at cruzbike.com" ) of Cruzbike for advice on the correct length of the thru axle adapter for a classic Turbo Trainer.ak-tux Thanks for your reply.
This is something that I only intend to use once while setting up the fit of the bike. I want to set up a camera and record video to help determine proper fit.
I personally would rather take sharp objects and shove them under my fingernails than ride a trainer. So this is a one time thing.
I have several old skewers in my spare parts supply. None of them are long enough to go through the long front axle of the S40. Could I simply cut the skewer in half, put one into both ends of the thru axle that came with the bike and use the trainer to clamp and hold everything together - just long enough for a good fit.
You’ll need a thru-axle adapter kit, which is cheap and easy to install. Just make sure it fits your S40's axle.I just received my S40. I can pick up an old-school mag trainer for $20 at the local pawn shop. What do I need to adapt the trainer to a thru axle?
To adapt an old-school mag trainer to a thru-axle, you'll need a thru-axle adapter kit. These kits typically include a new skewer or an adapter that fits your trainer's resistance unit and works with the size of your thru-axle (e.g., 12x142mm, 12x148mm). Just make sure you get the correct one for your bike's axle sizeI just received my S40. I can pick up an old-school mag trainer for $20 at the local pawn shop. What do I need to adapt the trainer to a thru axle?