Commenting on bikes for sale



Would be nice to see the State where the bike is being sold in the title.

Just my two cents from someone looking for a bike in the south.


New Member
I've heard it's best not to put personal addresses, phone numbers and such in post when buying in the market place. The entire internet will have access to that information, It's better to send the information in a conversation( envelope beside your name, on task bar ). That way only you and the other people in the conversation should have access to that information.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
be suspicious of "new members" selling stuff too. ask for their person email and then via a reply to that -ask for a GPS encoded picture of the bike they are selling so you can confirm they actually have the bike in the location they are claiming. This is about the only way I know to confirm it and not get scammed.

Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
I often use Google Images to do a reverse image search when I see a new ad appear here. Just drop the pic into the search bar on Google Images (desktop computer) and I can usually see where else that picture has been uploaded. Scammers often say the bike is in a location other than where the original uploader took the pic, and sometimes the background doesn't match the scammer's location claim. In private chat posing as a potential buyer I'll claim I'm in the same city and ask to see the bike in person. Any excuse rings alarm bells and leads to more questions that I'll be able to corner them into being unable to produce proof.
One of them is asking them if they are near the bike right now, and once they say they are I'll ask them to take a pic measuring something such as the chainstay or boom length because I want to make sure the bike fits. That usually catches them.