Comparison of seat angle on Silvio and V2/K frame?


Well-Known Member
I just received my conversion kit and V2/K frame kit from Cruzbike, and if all goes well plan to look into purchasing a Silvio.

I am curious. For those who have built/riddent the Cruzbike V2/K frame with attached seat, is the angle of the seat on this frame similar to the one on the Silvio? My impression is that the Silvio seat is set at 45 deg? Is that correct.....or can it be modified somewhat? Is the seat on the V2/K frame modifiable?

I decided to purchase the kit first, as I love to tinker, wanted to learn how to ride the FWD on this bike first.....and....also wanted to adapt to a reclined seat first as well prior to purchasing a Silvio. I currently ride an ER LWB with rather a vertical seat.

I look forward to hearing about your experiences.
Cannot wait to get home to start to build this kit.
Many thanks!


Active Member
You can't modify the seat

You can't modify the seat angle on the Silvio, although I suppose you could add some extra padding to the seat back if you really wanted to get a little more upright position. Generally speaking, I don't think the seat angle of the Silvio would be considered significantly reclined to cause anyone an issue, but I suppose it depends on what you have been riding. good luck!


Recumbent Quant
UNC99 is right.  You


UNC99 is right. You can't modify Silvio seat angle much and you can duplicate the same seat angle on the Sofrider/V2/K frame. In fact, playing different tricks, you can get a lower angle on the V2/K frame (curved seatpost) - Steve (on this forum) built his own seat and got pretty close to a 30 degree angle (same as the Vendetta).

UNC is also right that you probably wouldn't want a more upright seat angle, but you might very well want a more laid back one. With what you have, you'll be able to play and see what you like.
