Other confessions of the Cranks from Italy
Hi Bob ...
a couple of weeks ago I spill from the bike and bent chain ring and crank
Since the 160mm are difficult to fetch ( and expensive ) I tough to remove the 170 mm cranks from my old bike ( which I accompanied twice to the last trip to the scrap bin but never had the nerve to throw it in ) just to realise that I had already tried to disassembly them already once and unsuccessfully 10 years ago when I had my first love affair with recumbent ;
but 10 years do not pass by for nothing
This time I invested 8,5 E to buy the extractor tool to loose the cranks from the square axle of the bottom bracket which I did at no practical use for I find and ordered a spare from UK ;
the exercise was good anyway for I had chance to get my hand at it on the old bike and do a neat job on the crutz
Sadly enough I discovered today that the alleged air mail shipment from UK can take for delivery up to 25 working day :lol:
Anyway .... I do not complain for it is snowing, crutz is parked in the basement of the condo and I can commute with my citybike which I still prefer when the whether is challenging for is easier for me to protect myself from rain or snow with a poncho which is somewhat no so practical to wear pedalling a recumbent.
As far as removing the bottom bracket ... It can still take me 10 other years before I reach that point.
Despite 30 US$ was an honest price to have the job done I still prefer to buy tools and learn something for myself ... I am of the school " I am old enough to make a mess out of a mechanical job , I do no tneed a professional "

and the spare will land in my hands sooner or later ( hopefully since I have already separated from 100 E on ordering )
Keep on pedalling and be curious and inquisitive, it is good enough medicine to counter the old german Althzaimer
All the best , waiting springtime
Atul Franco from snowy northern Italy