control at higher speeds


New Member
Ive gotten much better riding in a large parking lot but Im still struggling to keep bike in a straight line on the road. Anyone have any advise as to set up to give me more stability at speed? Oh yea ...I think I solved my front suspension problem( bottoming out on the front wheel) I took it apart and replaced the cheap original springs with much heavier duty springs.... I wonder if I tightened both sides of the fork equally and if not could that contribute to my handling problem...? Is it possible that more practice could eliminate the wobble? thanks all lightduty

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Practice, practice, practice. Don't try to go faster than you feel safe, but there is no substitution for time in the saddle.



Zen MBB Master
Mark B wrote: Practice, practice, practice. Don't try to go faster than you feel safe, but there is no substitution for time in the saddle.
I agree with Mark B. At first i didnt like high speeds, but now, depending on the place, i've been up at 58.5 kmh and it doesnt bother me.


Zen MBB Master
Just keep riding.I have about 3000 miles on various Cruzbikes and only had one wobble at first get into the high 30s on some downhills with no problem. Jack

Rick Harker

Well-Known Member
Hi Lightduty,
Many will perceive recumbent riding in various ways.
My first experience had all my neighbors entertained and they still like to remind me of it. My letterbox is still bent.
When I got a little confident I tried a sprint only to experience the motorcycle phrase of a tank slapper. It was caused by trying too hard too soon.
With the Cruzbike, and I cannot say for all bents as this is the first, but you need to relearn cycling skills.
Start out peddling with light pressure on the pedals. Learn to pedal in a circular motion rather than just pushing with each foot. To help with this lightly hold the bars so your feet are "cycling" and get the feel for this and use your hands only to control your direction, feel your weight relaxed on the seat.
When confidence increases and also the enjoyment of success you can try going faster. When sprinting you will have to grip the bars and going downhill let gravity "drive" you.
The max speed on my Sofrider has been recorded going downhill at 69 Kms/hr but I stop peddling at approx 45 when I top out.
It has taken me about 2-3 months to be this confident though.
I'm also using Scwalbe Kojak tyres at 75 psi.



(if you're still posting a year later...) :)

I'm thinking of switching to Kojaks (or Duranos) on my Sofrider V1. I'm looking for more "road feel" and confidence at the higher speeds, so I'm interested in the tire choice you mentioned. Are you running Kojak 559-35s, or 559-50s?
