conversion kit


New Member
I have an old Cannondale Super V 800 fully suspended mountain bike. The frame is the ideal shape for a Cruzbike conversion. But the front fork inside width is 3 7/8 inches and the rear fork width/gear cluster is 5 1/2 inches. Is there any possible way these can be used for a conversion? Randy


Recumbent Quant
 One reason for the


One reason for the brackets for the conversion is for exactly this issue: that the front forks are always more narrow than the drive wheel.

I don't have any good pictures available right now, but google around to get a close up...


New Member
Caribike folding mtb

My bike does not have a y-type frame. This photo shows it partially folded. Is it a suitable
candidate for a recumbent conversion?


Recumbent Quant
 Jack might be right. Can you

Jack might be right. Can you show a side view of your bike? You want seat height no more than 3" below inseam.


Active Member

I think this is a picture of the same bike.

f01212_lLqJffEpJTq_600x450.jpg height:448px;