Cruzbike "Swing Trainer"?


Active Member
Anybody using the "swing trainer" concept for winter training? See video below. In sum, the idea is to hang the rear wheel from the ceiling and place the front wheel on a trainer. This allows the bike to move and encourages pedaling with the right cadence and consistency. Haven't tried it, but looks like the extra action might help relieve the boredom of a regular trainer set up. Although I'm not sure if I am confident in putting all my weight on a ceiling joist.



Well-Known Member
Although I'm not sure if I am confident in putting all my weight on a ceiling joist.
I'm neither a contractor nor professional builder, but I did self-build my current home, and I would not hesitate to use a ceiling joist for such, especially if built to code. Of course, I'm saying all of this without knowing how BIG you really are....:rolleyes:


For winter training I'm riding my Silvio 2 on Tacx Galaxia rollers. To avoid dropping off the 1 foot wide rollers I installed a mirror in front of the bike. In the beginning it took some time to get used to it, now into the second winter I'm quite confortable with my set-up


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Zen MBB Master
Anybody using the "swing trainer" concept for winter training? See video below. In sum, the idea is to hang the rear wheel from the ceiling and place the front wheel on a trainer. This allows the bike to move and encourages pedaling with the right cadence and consistency. Haven't tried it, but looks like the extra action might help relieve the boredom of a regular trainer set up. Although I'm not sure if I am confident in putting all my weight on a ceiling joist.

The joist itself can easily hold your weight no matter how big you are. The problem you will run into is that the back and forth motion will eventally widen the threaded hole (assuming you screw an eye screw into the joist) and then your eye screw will pull out, due to your body weight, causing you to fall. I had this happen to a porch swing and a couple of surprised ladies, who immediately considered drastic weightloss diets. If you come up with a bolt-on strategy, you will be safe.


Guru of hot glue gun
I have ridden V20 on Tacx rollers and have to say that it is more challenging than on standard recumbent but it is possible. I use it without any mirror, I just feel sides of roller because it is conical.


Zen MBB Master
vendetta on rollers.................. another skill universe. very impressive .

Matej the Kurt Kinetic rock and roll fluid trainer may be your answer rather than reinforcing the ceiling joists.

..............but i think.... (with due deference to the poor sods weather/time bound trainer sessions are incredibly valuable and 100% the best way to train if looking for max benefit but) are they incredibly...........ho hum and in need of constant distraction. having a goal is a big help.