Having just bought a used Q45 this week and spending about 5 hours on it, I am loving this bike! I also own all of the other Cruzbike models, so I have some comparison points. The Q seems great at everything except racing (for which I would obviously use the V).
I have read several comments on the forum about the Q being a “gravel”
Bike, but my back was taking a beating with the T and the S. So, to me the suspension is a basic requirement unless you ride pristine roads. I am sure many others feel the same. The weight penalty of the Q is negligible as a proportion of total system weight.
The Q to me is the all-rounder, the bike that most people should buy. I wanted to relay some comments from the person that sold me the Q. He is a very accomplished DF rider, now probably in his mid 70s. Sounds like he bought the Q thinking it would be that all rounder for him. However, the gearing was too high for him and perhaps even for me. I think the Q needs lower gearing for the general customer. Secondly, he had an anxiety regarding what would happen in the case of a flat. Cruzbikes are not easy to fix a flat on. think tubeless tires with inserts would be a great selling point.
I am sure over time, I will have some insights of my own. For now, just wanted to pass on those comments from someone who represents a core customer demographic. He did put 400 miles or so on the bike. His comments made a lot of sense to me.
My two cents would be, please do not add the Carbon boom to the Q. One crash and there go thousands of dollars.