does arm cardio training help?


Zen MBB Master

My local gym has a vertical machine that looks like it trains the arms like cross country skiing. I wonder if it would help my cruzbiking and make me faster if I start training on it?


Jim Parker

Cruzbike, Inc. Director
Staff member
Hi Jon,
Using that machine to

Hi Jon,
Using that machine to strengthen the arms and back certainly wouldn't hurt. Or just take the bike up some hills. If you don't have hills, add some sprints into your rides, such as a 30 second sprint every 2 munutes, X 10. Sprints and hills will strengthen your arms. We have no hills to train on here, but by adding sprints, we are fairly well prepared when we go race somewhere with hills.

Happy cruzing,


Kim Tolhurst

Well-Known Member
Hello Jon,

Indeed, sounds like that excersie machine/motion is a very compatable trainer. May I say training on a cruzbike would be really good for complimenting gym work. Also to get a better idea of upper body use, I spent sometime riding a cruzbike without the seat back. This ment I could only pull on the handle bars so was a good workout. Now a balanced work out comes from Jim's help.
So yes, good upper body excersises to your question. Do you like swimming ! =)

cheers, Kim.
