El~Silvio conversion of Silvio is in service

Ole Stabel [DK]

New Member
I have very easy update of the Silvio with a standard hub motor (250W), controller, Throttle and battery (29.4V/10Ah) from Protanium. The battery's weigh 2.8kg. I will guess that Cruzbike will could get a nice price buying it direct from Protanium.
I have buy it for 6000 Dkr.

My first update was to extender the front mudguard, here are the pictures of it:



To be continue:

Ole Stabel [DK]

New Member
ewThe normally front hub motor fit perfect as a rear hub motor on the Silvio. But there need two metal plates to get the carrier/battery to be in horizontal.

The streamer mount is witout changing the Silvio, so the Streamer studding has been addapted to the bike.


To be continue:

Ole Stabel [DK]

New Member
The streamer studding is design to be mount under the frame, to get the right angel on streamer.

I have also added El~Silvio in the same text style as Silvio :lol:


What did I got for the money ??
A lot of fun. If a normal recumber is similar to a WWI fighter bi-plane. The Silvio is a WWII figther plane as Spitfire. The El~Silvio is fast uphils as the first generations jet planes as the Me 262, and it have the same downhils speed as the Silvio.
I am driving 2x 30km each day where there are about 30 trafiklights. With the Silvio it take me about 2 hours and 40 to 50 min. The El~Silvio guarantee me that the driving time is 1 Hour and 13 min also against 10 meter per sec wind , and I save 20 minutes every day.
But the best thing is, that I can pass the "damn racer-bike" uphills :lol:
I used my throttle as a boost motor to accelerate after red light, and uphills. The hub motor switch off at 30km/h.
I know that protanium also make a version for "uphills" motor (450W ?). It will be perfect for the Super El~Silvio, but not legal in EU.
Best regards
Ole Stabel

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
JonB wrote:
Mark B wrote: As odd as this might seem, I am at a loss for words. :shock:

envy? or just flabbergasted?

Envy? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I just don't get it. You could electric assist a nag. Why would you electric assist a thoroughbred?

This is a light weight assist and it helps keep up speed uphill and against the wind.
Ole did a lot of research to find the best assist for Silvio. He is satisfied with the result which is important for him and others if they want one.
Some will of course not put an assist on a Silvio but if someone else wants to put one on in the future they can look at this option.


Ole Stabel [DK]

New Member
Mark B wrote:

I just don't get it. You could electric assist a nag. Why would you electric assist a thoroughbred?


The Answer: The Speed improvements ;)
I have now a half year exerience with the Silvio, where I have used it at my prime move for 2x 30km distance every day. I have normally wind against me when I go home. If I have 8-10 m/sek it will increased my travel time with 20-27 min compare to El~Silvio. The other day I meet one of the fastest Racer bike on the road. We have this day direct wind (10m per sec) against us. I could pass him, and the next 10 km he cover himself behind me. For each traffic light my acceration gave me 10-20 distance to him, but he was strong enough to catch me.
I can also compare my uphills speed under the similar condition. With 10m/sek head wind the Silvio speed is 15-18 km/h, and the El~Silvio is 26-28 km/h.
Ole Stabel
PS: Remember that I am biking all the time. The hub motor is a boost engine for higher speed.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
I understand why you did it, Ole. I guess I'm just wired a little differently, as I wouldn't have done that to a Silvio. Not that it's a bad thing, I'm not saying that. I'm all for speed improvements, but I would feel better pushing myself to making those improvements all on me.

That being said.... I understand your bike is your everyday transportation, so you would burn out pretty fast pushing yourself that hard. I get that.

But still...


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
One thing I did observe and was curious about was your adaptation for the rear rack It seems you managed to make a standard rear rack work on a Silvio, while others have had to settle for a front rack. I think many would like details on your adaptation.

The Streamer looks good on there, too!

I noticed that you apparently switched your Tiagra cranks out for some non-descript black ones. Was this part of the kit, or was there other reasoning?

I think you did a great job, Ole. I did not mean to take away from that and I apologize if it seemed any different.


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
All the things, aero, low rolling resistance, comfort, that make Silvio a great road bike are important in using electric power. It means you can get more out of a limited power supply.

Ole Stabel [DK]

New Member
LargeI have bend the rear rack, and create 2 new parts:

The small part to lift the rear rack over the rear brake.

The large bottom part.

I have sensor in the crack, to measure that I move pedal's. I dont know it it that you are mension about the crack.


Zen MBB Master
i met Ole today, and tried his bike. Dont worry Mark, i was riding pure, no electric assist. I feel the bike is much more alive in the front, probably perhaps the handlebar is so much closer than my Freerider. I also feel that the Silvio front is less heavy than mine, maybe half the weight.

Another guy borrowed my Freerider for a 3.5 hour ride because i had overused my achildes tendon in a ride tuesday :-(

We may soon see him in here, with a Sofrider.
power assist on a bicycle is a curious topic and arguements abound from both sides of the fence.

From my point of view it started out modifying a recumbent trike after my wifes ill health, and after enjoying that so much i started experimenting with other forms of assist. I converted a leisure style cruiser with a small engine and it instantly turned it from a bike i rode once or twice on the weekends with the kids, to a bike i can easliy do local chores on. With the assist you never have to leave the 15 to 20 mph comfort cruizing speed, when you stop at traffic lights you are back up to speed pretty instantly, when your going up a hill it feels like you are just cycling along a nice straight.

I can see why JonB tried it and now he probably looks forward to his commute even more and has a huge smile on his face when hes cruises by the Racers on the uphill sections. The future of transportation lies in the development of electric motors and battery technology, the average bicycle could be in the future the main transportation for millions on local daily commutes, all we have to do now is make the roads a safer place to ride on.....

Happy trails JonB i can see your smile all the way across the Alantic.

Ole Stabel [DK]

New Member
johntolhurst wrote: All the things, aero, low rolling resistance, comfort, that make Silvio a great road bike are important in using electric power. It means you can get more out of a limited power supply.

My request for at long distance bike was large wheel's. 20" tyre has a higher risk to puncture.
I have two candidates for this job the Silvio (28") and the Tripendo (26"). The El~Silvio have cost me 36.000Dkr, and the El~Tripendo would have cost 10.900?.
I could use the standard front wheel 28" hub motor that are comment system on E-bike, and it fit well on the Silvio.
The weight of the Silvio are lower than the Tripendo, together with the price, it was a easy selection for me.