Recumbent Quant
Hey! This actually works.
Pretty cool.
Big picture.
Pretty cool.
Big picture.
I agree this works much better on mobile. Already digging this more than old forum.
P. S. One oddity. It knows in on the East coast and shows the tight time. But it claims that the posts here are yesterday (which they are if you are in GMT).
Am I the only one who misses the list of recent posts at the top of the old pages? Maybe some only read the items that concern "their" bike, but I like to read a variety of them. That used to be easy. The new setup will discourage such browsing. Bummer. Our am I missing something?
And a quick browse of the forums suggests that everyone is either administrator or new member, including some others who i know have been posting for years .... and again it made me re-login to edit a typo.
And a quick browse of the forums suggests that everyone is either administrator or new member, including some others who i know have been posting for years .... and again it made me re-login to edit a typo.