Andrew Roerkohl
Need to find a good full face helmet for riding in the winter. Cant find any good ones that are not motorcycle helmets. Anyone have ideas?
The face shield I saw at Donki is similar to that one, but comes to a smaller point at the chin. It is just clear plastic though. On the original helmet it flips up by way of a small ratchet system that I hope to be able to install on my Limar.View attachment 14145
It leaves everyone speechless but works well unless it's too cold and then it fogs up. I've been told that shaving foam works well to keep the condensation away. Aliexpress special... not sure about the plastic if you were in a smash not sure how it reacts but it keeps all the insects off me in the summer. As I plough through the air there is a pressure wave that forces the insects over your body and head. Difficulty is with drinking. Tubes are OK but bottles not.