Lief, If you are serious, you should probably email or call Ben directly - I don't think he visits this forum very often. (although - he could prove me wrong!)Hey Ben - wanna ship my brother a bike?
I got hold of Ben via FBook.
It's a good deal - and yet I just can't pull the trigger because...well for one thing Abby dropped her phone in the toilet at the last minute at the retreate - and now she has a *NEW* one.
But that's a different thread.
Oh she's paying for 1/3rd of it in installments - but I fronted the cash.make them pay for their own phones.
The ONE TIME I didn't supervise! Shoot, I was hoping it would have made it through the rice treatment.Abby dropped her phone in the toilet at the last minute at the retreate
You don't need teeth to bike; and pain is a training aid.... just sayin'The ONE TIME I didn't supervise! Shoot, I was hoping it would have made it through the rice treatment.
Tough choices! I found out I need a new crown (tooth not princess) after the retreat $540 (after insurance) ... there goes my wish list from the retreat. But you're right, that's another thread. Good luck with the decision.
The rice might have worked - but I might have horked things up because we didn't have rice all day so I rotated the thing in the window on the way home.I was hoping it would have made it through the rice treatment.
last conversation I had with the seller - when I officially retracted my offer - he said there was someone coming over Sunday night.Listing deleted. Sold?