Having odd troubles posting


New Member
I tried posting to the existing thread of this issue, but it won't let me do that. There didn't seem to be any troubles (posted) with this for quite a while. But, then there's me...
So , I'm starting a new thread to see if this goes through.

I can't seem to make an innocuous post replying to a thread today - no links, no pix, no bad words, nothing controversial that I can tell. Just says "the content you want to post is not allowed." No other info. Just, "No."

I've been around more than 10 days, and I've never had trouble posting before. I'm logged in. I've logged out and back in several times. I've tried posting multiple times, so it's not someone posting in the meanwhile. I've cleared my browser. What's happening? Maybe I'm just not supposed to say anything? Karma?

Ideas, thoughts, remedies?