Hoosier CruZers ...


Zen MBB Apprentice
Hoosier CruZers,

Any interest in riding social, mostly flat, very shady, low traffic areas around Kokomo, Indiana ?

I have many routes in mind, as I have pedaled this area for a LONG time.

If at least 10 CruZers show interest, I will assemble a weekly 20 - 50 mile ride on an agreed, regular day and time.

As Ride Leader, my motto is "Ride what'cha brung and stay with who 'ya started with" ...

This outreach will be posted until April 1, 2022.



whereabouts unknown
just a tad too far for a weekly ride. 120 from my house.
but i think it would be great to have maybe a monthly roll 50-75 miles, maybe use nickel plate trail.


Zen MBB Apprentice
To my knowledge, there is only one other Cruzbike in a 50 mile radius. And he is a LONER.
I see him a lot on the Nickel Plate Trail

10 Cruzers or I'm not organizing events

Been pedaling 50+ years and have done it all