What a great bunch we have here. Thank you all for your quick responses. Any of you lurking out there, aught to just go on a sign up here.
Def Jack you are exactly right. I am long over due on a driving report. Not being an authentic or true road biker my report will be quite drab. I have not completed any high speed down hill runs. My max speed for now has been around 20 mph (how dull is that). 3 to 8 miles each excursion and limited to just my neighborhood or the lake at Shelby Farms. With the 2 inch (45lb) stock tires that come on the bike it likes to travel at 10 to 15 mph, mostly 10 to 12 (or is that just this age 65, 250 lb body of mine). My cadence averages around 48 to 52. You be the judge if this bike could perform more with a younger rider, I'm sure of it. Non the less there it is. That's what I've been doing for the last couple of 3 weeks. Jack, yes the front and back suspensions are pushed to the max in my opinion. I probably have less than an inch of play left with me on it. I read on the piston on the back that is has a supposed limit of 300 lb. I do wish there was more info to be had on the suspension. Really that goes for all knowledge of suspension. I would really like to be more than just some subjective observations about suspension.
For those interested performance should change considerably in that I have a Golden Eagle Bike Engine kit in my living room as we speak (Robin 33CC-4 cycle). I know the purists around here going to ruff me up a little for this so go ahead I'm getting use to being ruffed up on the internet. None the less this will definitely put my frame and forks to the test and will require a report for those interested. The kit results in 14 more lbs to the bike. Bring the total of 42 plus the 14 equals 56 lbs. I can hear the purists shuddering now.
JohnTolhurst; You are one of the purists that will still see the method to my madness here with the engine is what I mean. This is my attempt at the "Judicious dispensation of power" we talked about. Just as I recognized your talent I like to think I see a talent in this Dennis guy at Golden Eagle Bike Engines.
PS Jack; I don't consider this report finished by any stretch.