Is this cross bar too high for a conversion? proflex 856


New Member
By all accounts this a great old lightweight aluminum MTB frame, but I have two questions for you experienced converters:

1) Is the crossbar too high to do a comfortable conversion?

2) Is my impression that frame size is a much less important consideration for a cruzbike conversion correct? The one I'm looking at is an 18" frame, and I'm 6'2", but my sense is that cruzbike conversions are highly adjustable so that a larger person can successfully convert what would otherwise be an abnormally small frame in a conventional application.

Any and all thoughts appreciated!


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master
interesting frame, Randy.

you are right about the sizing of the frame, really doesn't matter and the measuring method for framesizing is inconsistent anyhow according to Sheldon Brown (as I recall).

once you are on that frame as a cruzbike, your mass will be too far forward for that height in my opinion for safe braking. The higher you go, the further back from the front wheel you need to be.



New Member
Straight from the horse's mouth as twere! Thanks for the reply, John; I'll keep looking for the right frame (and thanks for not snickering at my name- I have an Australian friend who can't even look me in the eye without giggling if she's in a mood....).