It doesn't work


Active Member
I tried to install fenders and a rack: couldn't find to install the front fender and, as for the rack, the struts were too short to get to the seatpost QR and the the QR wouldn't fit in the strut eyelet.


Recumbent Quant
Salut Sylvain,
For your rack,

Salut Sylvain,

For your rack, if the braces (struts) are too short, that's a problem with the rack. I found the same thing as far as the QR would not go through the holes in the braces, so I bought one of these. In my case, I decided not to replace the quick release system, but instead added the new collar. I put the new collar ring over rubber since we don't really want the rear arm connected too tightly to the seat post.

Ideally, I should bring up a brace that is mounted on the rear arm itself so that the rack is not coupling the arm to the main body (but I haven't gotten around to that yet).


IMAG0456.jpg width: 869px; height: 490px;


Active Member
To leakyduck:
There is no

To leakyduck:
There is no eyelet in the front-wheel triangle, neither «bride» between the «seat» stays nor the chain stays.

Necessity is the mother of invention

Cher Sylvain,

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention. I submit to you the following examples of necessity leading to invention, and improvisation.

These owners met the challenge typically using rubber bands, zip ties, or clamps to secure the front fender stays to the Sofrider's "fork."

If this kind of improvisation is beyond your ability, take these pictures to a local bike shop like,, who are resourceful, helpful, and will offer you a solution.

As I mentioned previously, the best fender, in my opinion, for the Sofrider is the SKS Longboard because it offers the greatest protection/coverage.

Bon chance, mon ami.
Rubber bands for fender attachment

Other fender vendors also use the rubber band attachment method for bikes without a fender stay eyelet. Do not despair.

Crud offers a detailed video how they use rubber bands to attach their mudguards to road bikes which usually don't have fender eyelets.

SKS offers a closeup installation video showing how they install fenders using the rubber band attachment.

Others use zip ties with a scrap piece of inner tube wrapped around the "fork" to accomplish a similar solution.

It does work, but you have to think outside of the box when necessity is paramount. Visit your local bike shop if the challenge is too daunting.

Bon chance, mon ami.


Active Member
P clips work

When I put the SKS Chromoplastics on my Sofrider, I used P clips around the forks - 35 or 38 mm from memory...or was that on the mountain bike? Anyway, if you measure the side and front thicknesses of the fork just above the calliper mount and take an average, that's the one you want
!! The P clips I used are a galvanised metal strap with a rubber insert, same as they use in cars to hold the air conditioner pipes in place, they should be available in car parts stores. I'm in the Land of Oz, got mine from Repco. It does require some bending of the fender stays, as they won't approach the guard radially, just remember to measure twice, cut once, and you'll be right.
