It is happening.

Someone's using one (Found this while searching for something else):


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Guru Schmuru
I've got most of a Mueller Windwrap fairing (one of the stays broke) which I had mounted on my Silvio 1.x for about 8 months or so.
It's hanging in my garage rafters if anyone is interested.

Not the closest picture but you can see my custom-made PVC riser coming off the Telescoping TopTube.

In the back there - a hard-shell BikeBin (aka parachute).
I've got most of a Mueller Windwrap fairing (one of the stays broke) which I had mounted on my Silvio 1.x for about 8 months or so.
It's hanging in my garage rafters if anyone is interested.
How did it handle? Ever get knocked around by gusts?


New Member
Someone's using one (Found this while searching for something else):

Now that's what I'm talking about! It would be easy to have a body sock made for that setup. The best thing about my TE is the sock keeps me fairly warm and dry during the winter months (Florence, on the Oregon Coast), and the ability to travel much faster. So Charles, when I get a Cruzbike, I'll definitely give the fairing & body sock a go! Until then, maybe somebody else will beat me to it...

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