It's here! And I need some help!


Active Member
Hey Everybody,
I picked up the frame yesterday, and everything arrived in great condition. The carboyoke holes needed a little touch up with the dremel, but other wise fit just fine.
Two issues....first, I have the rear elastiomer, but it is missing the boot, and it isn't attached to the frame.....What kind of bolt do I need to fix it to the seat? Also, does anyone have a close up of the rear derailleur mount? From the parts diagram, it seems that the "head" of the SVRD fits into the CSDOFR, but the SVRD's area between the skewer hole and derailleur threaded hole is too wide by a good 4mm for the dropout machined hole at the bottom (maybe 2 mm each side)....I can probably widen out the bottom of the dropout with the dremel, because I don't want to narrow the SVRD.....Help!

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Don't Dremel out anything!!!!!

The dropout fits in just fine. Hold the phone, I'll get you more details.

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
scroll to the bottom of page 4

It recesses into the carboyoke end adapter thingy and sandwiches up against the fork. The skewer compresses it all together. Once it goes together, you'll have one of those "D'oh" moments. Keep in mind, the wheel has to be in place for it to compress against.


Active Member
Here is what I have

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Something is not right. Wait until I get home and can look at mine. Don't do anything rash. PM me your phone number and I'll give you a call and help walk you through it.

You're missing a bole and the boot for the elastomer. John T will help you out there.

The carbon ends can be assembled dry, or you can put a dab of grease on them. I don't think it much matters.


Mark B

Zen MBB Master
I just remember having the same brain fart moment on the first assembly. Just let it set for a couple hours and I'll call you this evening. You might be right, or you might be having that same brain fart moment.


John Tolhurst

Zen MBB Master

You are missing the short threaded rod that holds the elastomer on. With this revised elastomer, there is no boot.

The CSDOFR does require the modification you propose, you can do that or we will exchange it. If memory serves, it also needs the inside edge of the inserted head of SVRD to have an radius applied.

You are having these issues because I did not fully assemble this production run before allowing it to ship and the packing list we used had not been modified with these two requirements. We will address it as promptly as Chinese New Year which begins today will allow.



Active Member
Hey John,
Thanks for the quick response....Thanks to the Dremel and a short piece of SS metric all-thread (Thank you hardware store), the elastomer is officially mounted. The rod extends into the elastomer about 1/3 rd of the overall elastomer length....I measure the elastomer at about 1 5/8ths inches, and the rod extends down from the seat about 1/2 ". Does that seem about right? It is firmly mounted....
I will use the Dremel and a file and see if I can get a custom fit on the SVRD. The insert head has a radius and appears to fit into the CSDOFR, just the derailleur hanger opening is too small. I will be careful and the morning.....after coffee.....
Thanks again, and thanks to Mark for the quick follow up as well, I will confirm success.....And this looks like an excellent Bike!
Jamie (Brewmaster)

Mark B

Zen MBB Master
Bravo, Jamie! Nice job!

I hate to break the news to you, but they haven't changed that sticker... Mine isn't even one of the first twelve.