Lack of discussion of V20 at BR

Anyone noticed the lack of any threads on V20 over at Bent Rider? Unlike Silvio S30, there seem to be very little interest on the V20.

There's quite a mixed view over here.



Zen MBB Master
They haven't shipped yet.

I believe, once they ship, probably there will be more discussions on the the V20 and S30 as well .


Zen MBB Master
Don't be surprised.  Through

Don't be surprised. Through the years I've watched BROL show a reduced interest in performance bikes and gravitate heavily towards other areas. The V is for speed. If you want to have interest in the V skyrocket bring up something like a new valve cap with your initials on it or better yet something to slow the V down . Go with a snazzy flag mount or an unusual tailor hitch. If this still fails go with the ol' reliable --add big honking knobby tires. Guarantee- this will be a winner.


Wielder of the Rubber Mallet
You forgot one....

You forgot the I smoked a roadie thread; that would get a conversation going; but since it's the Vendetta what's the point; that's pretty much 5-10 times per ride, more if there is a head wind.
But then we'd have to listen to Waltk explain how we'd never be able to keep up with his trike unless we mass produced Jim G's Aero Shell.