Locking up


Zen MBB Master
Possibly the smartest (rear) lock for Sofrider/Freerider

hi there

Surfing arround i found what possibly is the smartest lock for a Sofrider/Freerider. It works both in front and the rear, but in the front there is a little more space to mount another lock solution.


Thats right, it mounts above the brakes, so it doesnt matter that the space in the triangle that holds the rear wheel is VERY small. Further more it MIGHT enhance the breaking power if the small tabs that holds the brakes are too soft.

The lock can be locked without a key meaning it is fast to lock, just stop biking, click the locks and your bike is safe. Well "safe" that is. Because this lock is not insurance approved in Denmark :-( but i have a normal click lock infront, and that is approved. And since just one insurance approved lock is sufficient to get insurance cover, then i consider buying this lock putting it on my rear wheel because the lock i have there requires a key AND 2 hands to lock :-( :-(

See more here: http://axabasta.intermix5.nl/cat/front/item_info.asp?currentpage=1&pagesize=15&id=1&level=2&Svalue=&search=&lijst=&s1=&s2=&s3=&item_id=524
Commuters using a bike to a train station.

Now one train station here in Norway offers a room which you can lock your bike in it costs $10 a month. Then you do not have to worry about it being stolen or having some of the parts removed. They are planning to offer this at many of the stations in the future. :)

That’s fantastic!