Long hair troubles, any tips?


New Member
Howdy Cruzbike riders, I want to start this thread to discuss troubles and techniques for dealing with long hair on a recumbent. Moving from a diamond frame, I've never had to worry before about my hair getting caught on my bike. I've really enjoyed riding on the Vendetta, but my braid keeps getting caught on various parts of the headrest. I've started braiding to the side, but that only helped a little and does nothing for my hair getting snarled at the base of my head. I'm worried one of these days I'll try to sit up and find myself glued to the seat!

Anyone have any suggestions for this problem, or any other long-hair related woes?

(Yes, I know long hair is not a women-specific question, but this corner of the forum looked a little empty.)

Maria Parker

Hi Mia, What a great question and post. Yes, I have some of the same issues. First, I always braid my hair in two braids, one on each side. Second, when I am doing a long, hard ride where my hair can get snarled (usually in my helmet), I load up the back of my hair with a conditioner or detangler before I braid it. That seems to do the trick.
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New Member
Thanks, Maria, I will give the double-braid technique a shot. I had one incident where my hair got velcro-stuck to the side of my bottle cage... that one hurt to pull away from! Detangler is a great suggestion.


Cruzeum Curator & Sigma Wrangler
So -per Connie's drawing - you just have to keep riding fast enough so the hair is always trailing behind!
I love my 1" hair - it fits in my helmet. :)


Well-Known Member
I was going to suggest a haircut. ;)
I used to have shoulder-long hair. Always got tangled up from rubbing on the headrest when riding my V20. So I had it cut off because of that. Best decision ever. Riding is so much more enjoyable without the tangled-up hair in my neck.