Looking to purchase


Zen MBB Master
My story is similar. After 27 years on a DF, my first recumbent was a Vendetta. No test ride. Had never seen one in the wild. I just went ahead and did it, desperate for something that my back could handle while still being fast. I like to say that my first time out was "a seven mile ride on a six mile road"--that's how much I was zigging and zagging. But yes, the money I had spent on it had helped to make me stubborn. "I will learn how to ride this thing. It cost too much not to." I'm still riding that thing five years later, and it's the best bike I've ever owned. So glad I stuck it out.

Frito Bandito

Zen MBB Master
Funny how that works eh Chico? Exact same for me. I went from a year on a Specialized Tarmac to 2 years on a Litespeed T1 set up as a TT bike at first with clipon aero bars, then a proper TT bar. I got up to a 33kph average on an up-and-back 50km section and stalled there for a while. I bought my V20 here unseen and after getting my 'bent legs smashed my DF average with a 35kph speed on the same section while my DF bike collected dust for 9 months. 1 of my BB clamps broke on my V20, so I took my DF bike out and all of the training upped my DF to to 36.9kph on the same 50km section. Angry that my T1 was then faster, I took my V20 out after the clamp was delivered and topped my DF speed with a 38kph average last month. If I could dial in my aero I know 40kph is easily possible. But none of this would have been possible if I hadn't made a determined jumped off the fence. Watching all of the speed demons on here has been inspirational. It showed me that it can be done and has kick-started me countless times, more times than I could mention.


Since the OP wanted a bike for century ride I might add that of my 3 Cruzbikes the Vendetta is the most comfortable for longer rides.
The seat and head rest provide support for the entire upper body.
Once you get the hang of it you will marvel at how amazingly wonderful it feels to be blazing down the road in total comfort instead of being bent over the bars while mounted on a narrow saddle on a conventional road bike.
The Silvio 1.0 and the T50 are both nice for shorter social rides but both have more upright seating which can cause butt discomfort (AKA "recumbutt") on rides over 30 or 40 miles in distance.
While the upright seating is great for around town with many stops and cross traffic to deal with the laid back Vendetta is a lean, mean open road machine.